Monday, October 23, 2006

Just... wrong

Holy shit.... you will never find a fucker rushing into the dental chair faster than me tomorrow morning. I am, and have been in agony for weeks. I've heard the fucking thing even being so bold as to mock me.

"I own you."
"Fuck you."
"Say what you want... but I own you."
"Gee that's pretty fucking bold from a bitch ass tooth."
"Say that again..."
"Bitch.... Ass... Tooth!"

As a lightening bolt of pain shoots from my mouth to my fucking toes.

"Ok you win. What do you want?"
"No. No hostess."
"Do you uh want to play again?"
"Fine fucking hostess, jesus."

I have nothing more than this tooth. Teeth have a power to enslave you and make an instant bitch about of Hulk Hogan even. They won't relent and leave you always wondering if they'll get super pissed and infected, sending the signal to the brain to shut this whole mother fucker down. I know my brain... it would get the message and ask "Why?"

"Just because."
/shrug "Alright."

And boom no more DM. So I go tomorrow morning and hopefully there will be a conclusion because I will grip those arm rests with the strength of Atlas before I leave without some sort of pain relief. And we know I don't take pills so I better hear a machine giddying up. Adding to the fun is some sort of eye goob, a stye ... I don't know but it hurts badly and I look like a Hollywood prostitute wandering about with a red eye socket and oozing teeth. Fucking lovely. Wish me luck guys.



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