So the power company cut us off yesterday. I don't know why, maybe some asshole employee was having a bad day and picked the lottery to get address.
We came home and circled the house with baffled faces, flipping switches, poking the computers with sticks and saying .... but but but whhhhhhy???? We did this for far longer than any other rational person would have.
Then we fought.
"You didn't bring in the bill!"
"I totally did!"
"Where is it then?"
"On the counter."
"You skirted the turn off notice!!"
Me... offended as fuck ... "I did NOT!"
"What are you smashed already?"
More offended..... "Uh no.... there was no power, so I took a nap"
"You were slurring your words"
"I wasn't fucking awake yet asshole."
"So where's the shut off notice"
"They didn't give us one duh... this is what I'm trying to tell you."
We trecked to Walmart for enough batteries to launch a fucking nuclear weapon and an alarm clock since everything we own is dependent upon the asshole fucks who have the control to shut down our lives.
Mr. Morgan came to me with one of those alarm clocks with the hammer in the middle that beats the shit out of itself between two bells and I ... well I just said, uh no. He scowled and we found a better clock that he didn't like because it took battery installation..... that were included in the box. I said I'd put the batteries in if he would stop frowning so deeply at the clock isle.
We then procured flashlights, althought I wanted a lantern (no idea why.. just wanted one) and kept up with the bickering bullshit the whole way until I was damn certain I would walk home. With clenched teeth, a chasing Mr. Morgan tells me to knock it off and we were going to suck this shit up. I was still pissed that he had said on entering the Walmart "I wish I'd never come home." What the fuck is that to say? Me too then man, beat the hell out, find someplace warm, but he apologized for that later. Like my ass was going to a nice warm hotel, we were in it together so that was a total bullshit line to whip on me.
I called the electricy gods this morning, who think I am not acceptable since my name isn't on the account. As Bosslady's Daughter said.... whata stupid fucking thing, like I am trying to pay some strangers bill. They hate me and I hate them and I am gonna write a letter!
Getting dressed by flashlight is not easy. By 3am I woke up and found both dogs in the bed, nestling respectively between both human's ass cheeks for warmth. If I wasn't so cold myself I'd have farted on one of them just because I was pissed to be in the dark and cold.
So that's all I have to offer today. Oh .. except Chris Rock's mom need to shut the fuck up. Sorry you had to wait for your meal, I highly doubt it was because of your color. They even offered your meal free but that wasn't enough, you need to put your meal cause to Al Sharpton because you are annoyed the waitress wasn't publically scolded. Managers have a bit more tact than that, don't bitch about things you know nothing about, things happen in private that isn't falunted for your personal happiness to see someone berated. /shakes head deeply Are you seriously that fucking stupid? (apparently).
We came home and circled the house with baffled faces, flipping switches, poking the computers with sticks and saying .... but but but whhhhhhy???? We did this for far longer than any other rational person would have.
Then we fought.
"You didn't bring in the bill!"
"I totally did!"
"Where is it then?"
"On the counter."
"You skirted the turn off notice!!"
Me... offended as fuck ... "I did NOT!"
"What are you smashed already?"
More offended..... "Uh no.... there was no power, so I took a nap"
"You were slurring your words"
"I wasn't fucking awake yet asshole."
"So where's the shut off notice"
"They didn't give us one duh... this is what I'm trying to tell you."
We trecked to Walmart for enough batteries to launch a fucking nuclear weapon and an alarm clock since everything we own is dependent upon the asshole fucks who have the control to shut down our lives.
Mr. Morgan came to me with one of those alarm clocks with the hammer in the middle that beats the shit out of itself between two bells and I ... well I just said, uh no. He scowled and we found a better clock that he didn't like because it took battery installation..... that were included in the box. I said I'd put the batteries in if he would stop frowning so deeply at the clock isle.
We then procured flashlights, althought I wanted a lantern (no idea why.. just wanted one) and kept up with the bickering bullshit the whole way until I was damn certain I would walk home. With clenched teeth, a chasing Mr. Morgan tells me to knock it off and we were going to suck this shit up. I was still pissed that he had said on entering the Walmart "I wish I'd never come home." What the fuck is that to say? Me too then man, beat the hell out, find someplace warm, but he apologized for that later. Like my ass was going to a nice warm hotel, we were in it together so that was a total bullshit line to whip on me.
I called the electricy gods this morning, who think I am not acceptable since my name isn't on the account. As Bosslady's Daughter said.... whata stupid fucking thing, like I am trying to pay some strangers bill. They hate me and I hate them and I am gonna write a letter!
Getting dressed by flashlight is not easy. By 3am I woke up and found both dogs in the bed, nestling respectively between both human's ass cheeks for warmth. If I wasn't so cold myself I'd have farted on one of them just because I was pissed to be in the dark and cold.
So that's all I have to offer today. Oh .. except Chris Rock's mom need to shut the fuck up. Sorry you had to wait for your meal, I highly doubt it was because of your color. They even offered your meal free but that wasn't enough, you need to put your meal cause to Al Sharpton because you are annoyed the waitress wasn't publically scolded. Managers have a bit more tact than that, don't bitch about things you know nothing about, things happen in private that isn't falunted for your personal happiness to see someone berated. /shakes head deeply Are you seriously that fucking stupid? (apparently).
I wondered where you were last night!
you still eq2ing?
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