Wednesday, December 20, 2006

And the beat goes on.......

We still haven't remotely finished our shopping. Since when is everyone obligated to buy everyone else a gift? I don't expect presents just because I married into Mr. Morgan's family. This craze seems to get worse every year as the list grows longer. Fuck man, even Santa gets to pick between naughty and nice but noooooo our people get a reward even if they were fuckheads in need of beatings.

I think perhaps everyone should cut their interactions with people to one dozen. Twelve presents is reasonable. Anyone who didn't make the dozen cut, bummer for you. Not just with gifts either... altogether. Each person is only allowed to know 12 people. Less phone calls, less shit to forget.......because really, when you know as many people as most of us do, people fall through the cracks inadvertantly and you feel like an asshole when told "yeah so.... I missed you at my birthday party 4 months ago" followed by the piercing stare of -you don't love me enough to remember!-

It's not a bad theory. The 12 can change. It's reasonable to trade up a person here and there. Ya know, send a little card saying sorry... you've been bumped, Bob gives better head. Or something like that.

My idea would simplify things immensely and even alleviate the guilt. You pull a little card from your pocket as a hopeful stares at you in the "why didn't you get me a present" anticipation"

"... hm... no I'm afraid not, you didn't make the list this year. Good luck next year though!"

What bliss.

Meanwhile.... Mr. Morgan remains OUT OF FUCKING CONTROL. He got the Wii. Get then got the Xbox 360. Last night in a thundering sound I know well to mean he's exhausted another work out machine, the rowing device died. This actually offended him. He's out buying another one as we speak. Merry Christmas to HIM! Fucks sake.........



Blogger Saffyrre said...

I hope you at least get some good presents from Captain Spend-a-lot this year!!

1:29 PM  
Blogger Saffyrre said...

Sav...ROFLMAO!! It just dawned on me that we have the same template! I was trying to find something blu-ish for the holidays a few days ago. I just realized it after I made a post on my board.

1:37 PM  
Blogger DMorgan's Zoo said...

No way Prads, he would have to actually eat something other than one can of beans.... on the bedroom floor... a day.

He was seriously pissed it broke, had that scowl of a child who's parent whapped them in the back of the head to spit out candy. He even left work at lunch to procure a new one. The boneyard grows........

2:59 PM  

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