Thursday, December 07, 2006


A pleasant update because I've done little but be a crying sack of person who is getting a lot of -get away from me!- looks. I pity those who can't flee me. So photo and video goodness is your reward.

Starting with some football day photos for Lank.

Yes, I STILL have the Gore sign up. I worked hard on that campaign and am very proud.

I am a KC fan, I do not speak for Simon but Mr. Morgan insists Delilah is a 49er fan because he is. Watching them lose I laughed a bit and made the bitch wear my KC hat. Look at the mournful expression. "Dress up is on Wednesdays mom... gawd!"

But fuck her, she's a chicken thief. I set my tray by the bed for two seconds, in quite a hard to access place. I swear she must have matrixed into the air, did a double fly kick spin and snatched the chicken.

Simon did very well with the present box. Delilah was not given a single item. That's fine, chicken theives getting nothing but the guilt of the stolen chicken. I'd say I hope she enjoyed it since she's on punishment, but I know she enjoyed it..... as I was enjoying myself prior. Bad bad girl.

Simon got Christmas gear. He too looks quite forlorn, and I should seriously consider a "Save the Dogs" informercial with how deprived these fuckers appear on film. I have maybe two photos where they don't act like we are starving and beating them. Otherwise it's the same "help us" gaze of hope.

Here is the Xmas box outfit, followed by one of the rare happy photos.

In closing I offer a short home video featuring one of my gifts. All I can say is to wear them.... wow itll fuck you up. Wait - one more thing, I got a box with a cardboard tab saying mini harmonia necklace. The box was empty asshole. For real lol. Ok enjoy.

Hard link in case above is being a dick.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You look like a Nerd Frank

7:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy to see your smiling face. :-)

8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kind of look a librarian i once knew.

6:57 PM  

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