Being Thankful-ish
I have a lot to cover today.
Below, yet again why I am being the biggest pain in the ass until a locking trash can is purchased. What can't be easily seen is the dog drool and cigarette buts that make our carpet extra pretty. They want food AND nicotine, suppose I would expect as much from my kids, but I do not appreciate walking into this after long work days. Next they'll just be drinking vodka from the water bowl.
Thanksgiving! Mr. Morgan and I had to split up to appease everyone, and my sister also arrived without a spouse so it was just us three girls, and a hiding step-father. Mother Morgan looked fan-fucking-tastic! She was happy, spry and this was the best thing to happen to me in a long time. I had told myself prior, that no matter how bad it was (as it has been over the last years) that I was going to have myself a good time. I was dropped off and had cab money to go home, since a blind bitch with cocktails in a metro is not something I was willing to risk. Couldn't be happier how good she looked and her mood was hopping. Gigglefest.
We got to cooking, and I had packed about 30 hats, not counting my own 3 costume changes. I came in with a suitcase of said hats and said "I'm moving back in" to find Mother Morgan fly out of the kitchen screaming "You are most certainly NOT!" Lol.... I leave lasting impressions I guess.

Here is mom thinking about the potato dish.

In shaving the potatos the garbage disposal gavea hefty "Hm... no." and backed up both sides of the sink. I told her it wasn't a good idea, but she insisted if I shoved them down piecemeal, all would be ok. /blink.
Pop was none too pleased to leave football to play plumber. Which he is not good at, but ladies.... you all know telling your man such gets you thrown out of the room. I was bounced out twice. In my opinion, when shit goes wrong... wouldn't you take the advice of the biggest fuck up in the house? I have broken just about everything I've ever come into contact with, and thus know the solution, which I told him exactly where to look, but he shooed me away. Two hours after I said "Get a hanger and swash the J-Tube under the sink" he did and boom it was fixed.
Not claiming that I know everything, but again, I stated my case and I know because I've fucked that up before myself, more than once.
We had set out for margaritas when the sink happened and as Pop's frustration grew he put it back in the freeze as mom and I felt it was a clear sign of punishment. Silent gigglefest watching him baffle.
We did get our drinks, but I watched a margarita mix go in, ice.... sure sure, then rum. What are you making? Mararitas they both chimed. /blink again. Ok shit, I'll drink anything but it NOT a margarita, it's a rum-artita. "You'll drink what you are given!" Ok, damn people.
Mom half through her rum-arita or I'd not have caught her on camera. She's much like a deer who knows it's being hunted and can dart off at the speed of light. I got lucky. And lol ... mom in adias wear.
We ate, it was nice. In carving the turkey a snag came up. Mother Morgan did not remove the inards bags. We couldn't stop laughing that she failed to do so and cooked this giant bird with plastic all up it's ass. She obstinantly said she didn't know to check the ass. We ALL know to check the ass, no matter what facet of life it pertains to. I check my ass, Simon's ass, anyone checking into jails ass is checked, there is no stopping the ass checks, she simply was making a weak excuse.
Here is our bird. I promise we didn't go canibal, it is in fact a turkey. This is before carving, so um... yeah. I think it ate itself in the oven.

I am now eating day two of thankful goodness, until my pie tray flopped upside down..... onto my hairbrush. Cool whip acts as an adhesive in case you didn't know. Mm. hair pie!
Nipper. She's getting old enough to stop her asshole-ness and not chew on me. She is kinda cute and mom is serverely attached to her.
Lastly, my Oncle had transplant surgery yesterday on a stroke of luck that we are still not settling with because the call came and within 12 hours it was happening. It's mind numbing, yet such an exciting relief. Put your thoughts with Acorn during this, we just lost our Great Grandmother and my grandmother (her mom) just had a bout being in ICU. Our family needs to get it's shit together and stay holding close. But for one day...... it was good.
That's what I am thankful for.
Below, yet again why I am being the biggest pain in the ass until a locking trash can is purchased. What can't be easily seen is the dog drool and cigarette buts that make our carpet extra pretty. They want food AND nicotine, suppose I would expect as much from my kids, but I do not appreciate walking into this after long work days. Next they'll just be drinking vodka from the water bowl.

We got to cooking, and I had packed about 30 hats, not counting my own 3 costume changes. I came in with a suitcase of said hats and said "I'm moving back in" to find Mother Morgan fly out of the kitchen screaming "You are most certainly NOT!" Lol.... I leave lasting impressions I guess.

Here is mom thinking about the potato dish.

In shaving the potatos the garbage disposal gavea hefty "Hm... no." and backed up both sides of the sink. I told her it wasn't a good idea, but she insisted if I shoved them down piecemeal, all would be ok. /blink.

Not claiming that I know everything, but again, I stated my case and I know because I've fucked that up before myself, more than once.
We had set out for margaritas when the sink happened and as Pop's frustration grew he put it back in the freeze as mom and I felt it was a clear sign of punishment. Silent gigglefest watching him baffle.
We did get our drinks, but I watched a margarita mix go in, ice.... sure sure, then rum. What are you making? Mararitas they both chimed. /blink again. Ok shit, I'll drink anything but it NOT a margarita, it's a rum-artita. "You'll drink what you are given!" Ok, damn people.
Mom half through her rum-arita or I'd not have caught her on camera. She's much like a deer who knows it's being hunted and can dart off at the speed of light. I got lucky. And lol ... mom in adias wear.

Here is our bird. I promise we didn't go canibal, it is in fact a turkey. This is before carving, so um... yeah. I think it ate itself in the oven.

I am now eating day two of thankful goodness, until my pie tray flopped upside down..... onto my hairbrush. Cool whip acts as an adhesive in case you didn't know. Mm. hair pie!

That's what I am thankful for.
Sounds like you had a good time! Always good to spend some time with the girls. You and your Mom look a lot alike! I have to say again that I love your hair. The length and the color really suits you.
By the way, that pic of the turkey was before you carved it? That's scary!!! I think the turkey was eating itself, or eating it's way out of the oven!
LOL on the Rum-a-ritas! Was it that they only had rum to put in there? Soo funny!
I miss Thanksgiving, I have to live vicariously through everyone else! My family did have something for me before we went back to Canada but working on Thanksgiving still feels so very wrong!
I look tons like my mom, and no clue on what made the rum-arita a reality. I think between our theories, that turkey was doing something shady. Or it's the effect of cooking it with all that gunk in there and it simply liced. Was a good laugh either way.
I left earlier than planned, but had been there all day to cook the doom turkey and side dishes, I don't drink rum so it put me down fast. I was calling the cab when my sister walked in and said to knock it off, and she would schlep me 3 miles down the road to home. Glad I could remind you of Thanksgiving, does anything really ever fo right on that holiday?
ps - if you click the turkey pic to enlarge, tell me that isn't something STRAIGHT out of the movie Alien. I swear I can see it's spine pulsing.
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Deleted because we use proper names here, nothing personal.
That turkey is just scary. There's no explaining it beyond that.
But was the turkey good?
Have alot to be thankful for here. Still havent cooked our bird (its in the freezer). Will be having our official Thanksgiving when mr. akorn finally can come home. Wondering if my bird will look like yours. :-)
btw, your mom is as beautiful as ever.
x o
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