Thursday, December 11, 2008

Comes around goes around.....

I have been asked by quite a few blog followers how the supper with my step mother in law went. Let’s say it was NOT a supper. I saw food, smelled food but ate very little as did my sister.

In fact Prada sat twiddling a chip for quite a while seeing things brew to the level that I hate, where I am visibly shaking my whole body because I’m so upset. Let’s just say I saw red, and I don’t mean my eye. I was completely calm and stated what I had to say – and I know I did it with grace. I’m not going to get specific, but my readers are either current or formers addicts…. or they know several. Suffice to say it’s bullshit to not be blatantly obvious in addict behavior and not called on it., even if she felt I judged her, no I didn’t and still don’t. Convincing that is beyond my level of attempt, it’s a fact. Her daughter is a recovering addict, and I drink… so it’s folly to pretend we don’t see the lying, the bullshitting and the otherwise defensive behavior. Not entirely sure you even need to be an addict to have seen that and raised a brow. I know I was able to drive to the meeting place sober and order ice tea. Did I want wine? I could have chewed into the cork like a fucking rabbit to not be there and drown it out. I somehow managed. Novel idea.

Life Is NOT easy or a walk in sunshine. What annoys me about drama, in this particular case is how short sighted it is. How hard is it to think outside yourself? And how much does she or others know about me? Prada can likely predict my favorite color and know which muppet I like the best. (btw it’s Beeker. Meeep!)

Otherwise…. Could my step MIL say how my last marriage ended? My education? My interests? I can sum it up easily since I know she reads. My exhusband blew 30k of my money and beat the living shit out of me and said he’d kill each of mydogs if I left. The dogs and I slept in a tiny fucking metro for days while I interviewed for work, nursing broken ribs. They ate when I didn’t before I could get him out of the house – which involved police and further physical damage. So her bite of humble pie is not inpressive to me, bummer yes, but nothing that anyone else doesn’t have a story about. I’ve never even gone into detail with Mr. Morgan about it, it’s well in the past. See how easy it is to not be selfish?

I don’t even care to talk about my education or interests. If it was curious, I’d have been asked.

That said – . The supper. She upset me pretty much instantly and all I did was repeat how I feel. She behaves poorly and needs to not do so because it hurts my husband. I also believe she has Munchousen by Proxy, and that went over … not well. So did being told narcissistic. My voice didn’t raise. I wouldn’t like being told that junk either (and I wasn’t alone there). I said I didn’t want her to watch my dogs again because she falls asleep a lot – during suppers no less – and that if she fell like before, my tiny elderly Russian could have been under her. And I don’t take kindly to my husband coming home crying. She asked what to do to fix it….. and I said be nice. Wasn’t a trick statement. People will forgive you if you stop being a pain in the ass.

Then she got so riled that she went pointy. Everything she said came with a finger. And then….. it… happened….. she asked something I started to reply and this woman put a finger way to close to my face and yelled SHUT UP.

Everyone gasped and leaned back saying WHOA! I’m not a mean person but I do happen to understand that putting a hand in a persons’ face will get you bit. Hard. Also don’t tell other people to shut up because 9 out of ten…… that’s not gonna get them to do so. What might work is “excuse me I was still speaking” and I’d have said sorry. Waggle your finger at me like a dog and scream a command, prolly not going to illicit a nice reply. It didn’t. I almost called my mother to come whack her in the forehead like she would have us kids for being so rude. “Mom…. Mom…. Yeah I get it … ok enough about the pot roast – this woman just put her hand in my face and told me to shut up.” Vrrooooooooom. I seriously about launched across the table, that it’s not in me to get slappy but hushing me like that will get you slapped so hard fingerprints will linger on gums. Biggest thing NOT ok to me and she threw it. Don’t push the nice people, they will eventually lose it and embarrass a bitch, who did it on her own. Lucky for Mr. , he is what saved me from potentially going to jail. Gonna tell me to shut up and finger wag? She must have lost her damned mind, that is not ok not only to me or anyone!

I collected myself and short after she made a GRAND exit, hovering over me at the table asking why I never said anything before. And I replied with my usual honesty, that it’s not my job to correct the behavior of a grown woman. That I know I am little and seem meek, but it’s a facet of having social manners. Because I haven’t freaked out doesn’t mean I do not know how. It’s totally true and a shortcoming of mine – I let people get away with shit because I shouldn’t have to say “dude, you are being as asshole” Guess I do have to say it.

So she made a low class dig on me and marched out. Classy. Throwing anything I write in my face is tacky, and that is what she did before marching out.... defeated. It was laughable but... very very tacky and looked stupid. I mean seriously.... I'm THAT interesting? That's all you got? Shit man, print it out, make a fucking diary of my entries and enjoy, but if that's all the ammo coming to the table when I wasn't being a jerk.... definitely proves a person's true colors. I’m at shrug level. I will have a great holiday no matter what lies and bullshit. All I know is Mr. Morgan and else do not need to be upset and no one gives a fuck anymore to let it go that way. That’s kinda all I can think on it. She’s not herseslf but maybe will be again someday. Until then ….. no hands in my face or insults, I bite on many levels. Sucks not to hear what you wanna but I’m not a kid or a dog, so don’t behave like I am. Not hard. If you don’t be a dick and you wont have to hear that you are being one. Not a hard equation.

It’s over in my opinion, she’s not remotely on my radar. Best to just ignore me and stop talking shit. I’m a good bean and I don’t WANT to flash back again. Not a goal whatsoever. Oh did I say Merry Christmas guys? I meant to…..

So here’s…. what I have to say – and step MIL – LISTEN to the words……. I do wish you well, right now you are simply toxic and I am unable to help you. Same time, don’t think remotely that I’m going anywhere in this family or from Mr. Morgan, let’s not do that k, I think I was underestimated and I'm sorry I had to get honest, but do understand I will bring a crazy war against anything or one, who gets into my marriage, I love him too much to see a selfish person not in their normal mindset upset our life. Just behave and everyone will let you get by, like always. I'm a very nice person... wake up and try. And pet the Pheobe bird. I'm not false like you think, drop the jaded attitude. Who let Cody wipe a crazy tumored eye all over her pants and hand? ME! And I didn't flinch. You know that you are unfairly judging my character and thats fine, I dont care. Many people lovvvvvves them some DM! Oh almost forgot - don't read my blog (anyone!) if it's gonna upset you. Another easy solution. Trolling for anger, is ... creepy.



Blogger Khadra said...

I probably would have slapped the crap out of her. Congratulations on your restraint!!

Your part about not going anywhere goes right along with a conversation G and I had last night. She is just waiting for me to go away. She wants nothing to do with my kids but she is jealous of my relationship with her son, who she treated more like a husband, and she wants him back. I have no doubt this woman is praying I am out of the picture, and thinking this is an OK thing to pray about. G thinks she gives the kids gifts a couple times of the year to keep her foot in the door.

How nice does it feel to know someone is just waiting for your relationship to implode or you to drop dead.

Sorry to vent on YOUR blog!!! Couldnt keep it in much longer.

I agree, a holiday without one of us ending up in jail, or with a restraining order, is going to be a miracle. Let's hope we can get drunk enough to ignore everyone.

9:44 AM  
Blogger DMorgan's Zoo said...

Vent baby vent. She wants both me and Prada out of the picture because we pose an uncomfortable confrontation on her bad behavior. She is hurting her husband AND mine, and brining the whole family down with it. Not acceptable.

No one WANTS to make her feel like shit, she does it to herself and doesnt see it. She had a shot at supper to be cool and failed. I don't wish her harm, I wish she'd stop being sneaky and manipulative, thus impacting the family.

No warrants this year Khadra, we'll save those up for Vegas!

10:03 AM  
Blogger DMorgan's Zoo said...

And YES Iknow exactly what you mean about the jealousy. The woman is crazy jealous of relationships with Sr. Morgans kids. What she has against me... I couldn't fathom. I was honest - so if that's why? Ok. She pushes people away from Sr. Morgans family so she can control the situation. It's really... icky. Lol ya lets go with that.

10:06 AM  
Blogger Saffyrre said...

I'm just so proud of you that you stood up for yourself, you handled yourself with grace and told her how it is.

Next time she calls you Jill and says you're not a part of the "family" (because she, you know, has such blood ties to the family herself) I hope she remembers that YOU were the one at her bedside when she was in the hospital. YOU were the one making sure her tubes were clean and that she was being taken care of and that YOU were the one rubbing lotion on her to help her muscles and protect her skin. YOU.

I'd say many more things that probably would make a lot of sense but I'm sick and need I mean I'm sick and need to lay down as I can't think properly.

Aaah I hope I said that joke right lol.

/end ramble

1:35 PM  
Blogger MissNev said...

How positively horrible! The biggest problem, and ultimately the reason for the end of my last marriage, was the Ex's family. His sister actually came and got him and moved him out. I commend you on your grace and class in dealing with such a terrible situation.

10:44 AM  

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