Sunday, November 23, 2008

Gravy Train

Remember last week I mentioned my absolute glee over getting a buck in the mail with promises for another buck post survey? No survey has come but five more crisp dollars sprung from the mailbox at the exact time my cigarette pack started to rattle in that emptyish way that makes a smoker get nervous from the remote idea that cigarettes have been discontinued altogether and mob chaos is inevitable. I can't lie, if it got desparate enough, I'd dive in and smoke one of those nasty Virginia Slims you see in ashtrays outside a store that has the most offensive shade of lipstick wrapped around the butt. I would. Let's hope it's doesn't get that maddening.

So I'm up six bucks for nothing. I admit I like their style!

What are your plans for Thanksgiving? Mine are sitting on my ass with a large silly grin and a tall glass of egg nog and brandy. My guest list is very select, I believe Ellen and Dr. Phil will be in attendance, with any luck Judge Millian from People's Court will join to make sure everyone behaves. If I had my pick of anyone, I'd invite that crazy Jesus bitch from Trading Spouses over just to send me into giggles that I so desparately want to see in person, "She's not ChrisTIAN!!!! Gargoyls!" Oh, it's an orgasm in a single thought. Don't bullshit and say you've never wanted to poke a crazy with a stick. Long stick... but still. I try to avoid the insane, but that lady, what a treat.

In other news I've been watching Carnivale, and it has Spanish subtitles so TOTALLY is a two-for in that I can entertain myself and yet still be taking my lessons. Clever!

There are new photos on the Kylee (link on the right).

Happy Thanksgiving!

And uh.... sorry about the video, I cannot explain why it made me laugh, and not entirely sure I need to.

- DM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got to cook the turkey but that also means I don't have to do dishes. So I'm good and happy for now.

Do you think you'll get 5 surveys? If so you should have other people fill them out so you look a bit bi-polar. then maybe next time you'll get 10!


12:03 PM  

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