Lucky, thankful
Revisting a missed dedication because the gift was tardy, but 100 percent sent me to floor and made me cry. Not because it was a death threat or anything ugly, but rather such a thoughtful gift that I'm grappling to find words for.
One of my kindreds mailed me a box of goods and I of course gave it many looks before even opening. Inside was a flock of giraffe (one of which Kylee has already consumed) the below hat and a neck piece that really got me teared up. I have Irish readers..... betcha want this doncha? It's even got itself a handle!
These gifts were not expected and... truly wow. The neck piece smacks of $$$$ and has a small writing about friendship. I can't read it but an inside tag says "a true friend reaches for your hand but touches your heart" No shit that I fucking bawled. But here is my "omg omg omg got somfin face!" Dont' mind witch finger. No hexes today. The sender is someone who says DAWG instead of DOG, and I love her for the accent. I find myself fumbling when people do kind things, so proper thank yous dont come without flinging myself foward for a cradle. I'm humbled, extremely.
To my Diamond.... this for you. I am remarkedly blessed with the best people on the earth. I'm a lucky girl. Ask any of my gals here.... I'd fling myself into a lap so fast that I would deserve a dollar. Btw..... Diamond is SMOKING hot (and no it's not a stage name... she's legit just happens to use that moniker). Not gonna share pics - none are nekked either, all mine, but wowsa!!! I admit to turned bright red and raising my brow so damn high I think I need collogen to fix the wrinkles. This girl makes for a commercial on dieting or costmetoligy, and she's old enough to be my mom. I'd love to hate her but mmmmmm can't. Too yummy, and extremely nice. Damn I make good friends! I cant say enough what the gift meant to me, I think you'll groove on my choice of song and it's lyrics. No reason not to listen twice or thrice Sbean, you'll get it. I love you and thank you, Mr. Morgan all but checked the box to make sure it wasn't from a suitor with how pretty that pendant is. You get me, and that gives me a heart smile. I've done something right, and you are priceless to me forever.
- DM
One of my kindreds mailed me a box of goods and I of course gave it many looks before even opening. Inside was a flock of giraffe (one of which Kylee has already consumed) the below hat and a neck piece that really got me teared up. I have Irish readers..... betcha want this doncha? It's even got itself a handle!

- DM
awww that's so cool. And you know I LOVE the hat. jealous jealous
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