Wrap up of the wrap up!
I've played some Sabbath, Abbey Road and .... for an old friend, Bob Seger's Against the Wind because only he would ever know why it matters so much and makes me cry.
Hearing it, my 33 record on the player, scratching as it sang to me, I admit to having broken down in a way that is beyond history. I smile as I cry, that's a hard thing to explain and something I keep to self. Many times we sang it is all.
I asked for a few things his year. All were old ass toys I missed. I was not given a sit and spin but my neice was and I found myself ripping the box out of the hands of an infant, then collecting myself and claiming I just wanted to put it together. Bullshit, we all know I wanted to ride it!

Simon opened his presents too. Delilah just ate hers. I have SERIOUSLY never caught this little docile dog look so carnivorous in my life! Is he eating his own tongue or warming up for the kill?
Mr. Morgan was mistakingly given a present meant for another /cough, child, and enjoyed it before it was taken from him.
The holidays were exhausting and I plan to show up quite much the zombie tomorrow, although I will bathe first, it's much needed.
Don't miss below for the stocking hop post, it was a grand success. Cheers loves.
"Wish I didn't know know what I didn't know then. The years rolled slowly past, I found myself alone, surrounded by strangers I thought were my friends, found myself further and further from my home. Against the wind....."
I'm older now... but still running against the wind.
That is the most frightening picture of a yorkshire terrier that I have ever seen!!
Go Simon!
Lol. He's a rabid beast I tell ya!
We survived!!!
Love the "Sit and Spin" pic. Priceless!!! They need to make them for adult's huh? :-)
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