Maybe? Possibly?

The costume took a LOT of work to be acceptable to me. I didn't want a slut Alice, I'm serving candy from my house, not the playboy mansion, but I also didn't want it to be the marm Alice. Frankly, and there are better photos - I think I am working the shit out of being Alice. Thank you to GreenHopper for the shoe loan - PERFECT, and to whatever kid flopped the black tie on my head over the fence. Just what I needed! You'll both get credit in the video.
So! My Interview. Went good. But I'm delusional enough to think most of them have. I was sitting there, for a long time while my mouth went totally dry and angry. I'd checked in and looked at my feet often, making sure not to slouch (eternal sloucher here). I then heard another interview going on right behind me and listened with great interest. What sneaky insight could I learn?
"You're from Vermont? Oh my god I AM from Vermont!"
"Do you know ---- insert any Vermontean they all know eachother it seems ----"
"Oh yes! She taught my daughter first grade!"
Double shit! It went on and on. She liked dogs? Small world, he likes them too! And the whole time, I'm sitting right fucking there like an idiot hopeful. A composed one, but still stringing the oh my god's through my mental wheel of wondering if I should just tuck my tail and leave.
After about 35 minutes, my oh-so-dynamic presense reminded the people that I was sitting there about to chew on the furniture. I'd been left, forgotten and she hadnt even told my potential employer that I was there. So in the last few days, not only am I nameless, but I can't be spotted sitting politely while Vermont aims for my job. I checked my suit and I did not blend into the wallpaper.
I was finally fetched and taken to a room with orange - just short of shag - carpeting. Bright Orange. To compliment it was a shiny spitoon. I pointed out both and my interviewer said there were much more of both in the building and he hated it. I did too, but also thought it was Brady-Bunchy and should stay.
He left me mid-interview for an angry client. Ok fine, I cheated. In part...? He had 3 pages of questions for me that he was really happy to ask. I think he likes the sound of his own voice and that's okay. We had one more page when he left me and my arm went on it's own.... reaching for that last page to prepare myself. It snaked across the table leaving sweaty evidence, coordinating with eyes and ears to be a covert team of sneakery. You'd think I was disarming a bomb with how paranoid I looked. The arm did it, honest.
Answered the rest (with refound CONFIDENCE! Go fig!) and off I go to wait. He did show me the desk and didn't say "This is where you would be working" he said "This is where you WILL be working." I notice that shit, and more so when my mouth is dry enough to eagerly dig into a toilet bowl just to wet it. Been hopeful before, so this could just be another entry into DM's Strive for Employment Blog? I know he really liked that I can roll a website (not this one shhh) and graphic design. He also liked that I'd done my homework and had already been to their website so I knew exactly what I was talking about in regards to his displeasure with it. I'd already insulted his carpets, why stop there right? Lol, I wasn't negative about either, but I think I wetted his mouth (mine still shriveling!!) with what I could do for their site.
More soon, going to get very busy around here with the holiday. Today's movie, Poltergeist.
Sadly this shit is TOO true:
LOVE the costume!!! You look awesome! Great pose too ;)
Sounds like it went pretty good. I would have picked up on the desk thing too. I'll cross my fingers for you!
you do look great!
And Im so happy about your interview. I hope you get it. You need a little orange shag carpet in your life lol!
My son would advise the candy collector to make sure the adult escort has just been fed or she will be stealing the goods.
I think you got just the right amount of sexy in your costume. Is Simon going to be the chesire cat?
I love your costume! You look like you were born to be Alice. Interview sounds very hopeful; best of luck on it. I'll pass on the trick or treating tips to my youngster (although she's so dang cute she always seems to make a killing!)
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