Wednesday, February 09, 2011

The Making of Medusa

I've been able to put out a lot of art lately.  I don't know why, as being idle doesn't necessarily lend to inspiration.  Who knows, maybe Clash of the Titans was on during my sleep or something but I drew The Making of Medusa.  By making I don't mean the act of drawing it, I mean the split seconds when she went from totally hot to totally fucked.  

There are many more eloquent ways to tell the story, but as I see it.....  We have Medusa, she's crazy gorgeous and pissing off a lot of bitches because the men gods won't stop peeking.

She and Poseidon get all freaky and Athena is having none of it, basically saying "oh hells no, you did what?  In my own house?  It's so on."

Throws a bitch slap onto Medusa and she gets to be snaky and un-fun forever.  I've had some haters, and have been a hater in my time but I can't say I can compete with that level of eternal fury.  So, here is Medusa transforming.  Colors from my camera, as always suck, but the green is creeping from one side to the other in a blanket of the curse washing over her, one eye still blue, the other a lovely lizarding green.  Poor kid.  The background colors are also ill-represented here, many blue and purples on the pretty side.

By the way, it's my birthday bitches!



Blogger penni said...


mine was yesterday, it was ok...better than i thought it would be considering......

pretty neat art!!! i like!!!

12:57 PM  
Blogger DMorgan's Zoo said...

Happy belated Penni, your comment reminded me to mail you that present. Maybe even a sticker for my birthday girl.

9:52 AM  

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