Tuesday, August 08, 2006


So there I was, sitting at my desk nibbling on a rice cake or something most people would deem equally dull, and I feel all these itchies on ….. shit can I go Princelike and name it Formerly Known as Bone Toe?

Right, so as I felt this tickle I thought ooooo, the tingle of healing, how wonderful! After a bit I decided to take a look and found not a tingle of healing but a thicket of black ants, doing what I considered to be eating of the toe. Mr. Morgan insists that he’s never seen a carnivorous black ant, but I have seen them march off with chicken droppings by my desk more than once – they most definitely eat meat and I think they want to make off with my toe. They didn’t even offer a barter for it. You can’t just eat a toe and run! This is not fast food bitches! I smashed them all up after a serious amount of “were they really swarming my wound?” shivers. I seem to get grosser by the day. I have progressed to being eaten by insects. Should I just lay down in the box now and save them the trouble of a fight? Christ man.

Things otherwise are typical. Mr. Morgan is happy and went swimming last night as I watched longingly, wishing I wasn’t maimed and unable to splash around myself. I did procure a rubber glove and rubber bands though, I think I could glove up enough to make a water tight seal, but then my mind says to me “Don’t be so stupid, you’ll end up cutting off circulation and losing the whole foot” and I slowly nod, then return to the longing gazes at him in the pool, with his large grin and eyes pinched closed that children have when elated over something fun.

I do have a new project coming, and no I’ve not forgotten Mystery Photo. One of my Professors’ hasn’t sent the last roll, but I was on vacation and I asked not to. That entry is forthcoming at some point. Dr. Plucky Duck did fabulous. As for the other new project, it so far promises to be a feeling nothing short of a backflip into a pit of glass. Heh. Made ya wonder!



Blogger Saffyrre said...

The thought of ants taking bites at your toe made me shiver shiver SHIVER! AAAAAAH!!!

I'm hoping to have a delivery to your house by the beginning of next week!

12:13 PM  

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