Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Day After

I am a wreck! I woke up got dressed and thought I would be going to work. This was not happening. I checked the bottle of what I thought was merely "super advil" to read more deeply and find it's mega-advil-tranquilizer. This shit is not your mother's motrin.

It's not the sort of being fucked up that would find you at your office pointing and laughing at the boss, insisting she is a penguin sort of thing. Truly a very unpleasant state of drumming your fingers over the 911 speed dial. People seriously ASK for this shit? I am stunned.

I'm hoping that pill explains why I still at 5pm the day after taking the it am dizzy, nausiated and totally feeling out of it. I think the tooth is still infected or something because I have mad chills and it hurts horribly. I haven't really eaten in a few days, so that certainly doesn't help much but I'd be a fine little anorexic if my head would just feel normal. In honesty, I really wouldn't trust myself to drive. I know that I am hyper-sensitive to medicine but how long should I feel looped over one pill? Mr. Morgan may bury me alive, or whatever state of breathing I am in, very soon as I am convinced something is terribly wrong with me because I feel like I cannot wake up. Looped. Out of it. And cold.

Pray I feel better friends, DM is not happy at all.



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