So I heard about a haunted house here in town, and I thought that I needed in my very soul to go. Mr. Morgan was agreeable enough although it's very not his thing.
In line behind me was some kid in full Matrix wear.... and when I say kid I say that because while his body was there in adult size... his mind was not. Apparently he swallowed the wrong colored pill. But we talked for a while about why he'd picked that costume and why it was creeping me out. He understood and said in his own crazy way that me talking to him at length about something he wore just for a halloween walk was creeping HIM out. Fair is fair, I nodded and we decided we didn't want to be friends.
The House iteself was fucking BEYOND! As we went in the grim reaper assured us the actors wouldn't touch people. I thought holy shit... fucking fabulous! But do you have a heart condition they asked. I mean... honesty has always fucking failed me, and going into "what is your definition of condition" with an 18 year old seemed stupid so I just shook my head and promised to come out alive. Took a long time to get going though and the poor grim reapers had to keep telling people to chill out because the actors were having jitters as this was only the second day being open.
It was pretty gory and voilent in there, but I think those lights did something to my brain as I woke up at 3am feeling like I was coming off a coccaine bender. No other way to describe it than that. How one wakes up feeling sleep deprived freaked me out and I went into an hour long panic attack of checking my pulse and nudging Mr. Morgan that a trip to the hospital might happen but I had no explanation for why I was feeling that way. At one point I was absolutely positive I was having a heart attack and wondered if that is how it feels when you are going to die.
Christ almighty sometimes I am really retarded.
I seem ok now, but have been left alone while Mr. Morgan went to his Dad'shouse to watch football. Being left alone after a panic attack .... ugh..... I've got the phone on a hip holster for just in case.
I've no team. No team for me because there is no I in it.
Heh... who you?
Was this panicky feeling due to having the beejeesus scared out of you? I've had this happen, but it turned out to be an elevation in my blood pressure. Made for horrible dreams and that panic feeling upon waking.
Didn't scare me. I felt like someone needed to hand me the pipe for a fix.... truly fucking bizarre and thank god has not come back bc well.... I don't take the pipe to start with. Could have been from excitement though perhaps. Thank you for that post Bgirl.
hmmmmmm, i have been thinking about going to a haunted house, but now i am not sure...
Dem strobelights can mess with your head!
Ask an epileptic!
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