Kylee - Day One and Two

Kylee likes to hide under the kitchen table and plot how swiftly to:
1. Keep us awake
2. Mop her accidents
3. Keep us awake
4. Mop her accidents

This dog is a fucking camel. I have never seen anything drink as often as she does, and yes it concerns me. What goes in, also comes out..... approximately every 20 minutes, making the efforts to potty/crate train, ANYTHING train almost impossible at this point. She has also had 6 bowel movements since coming home. Was she saving for us?

Kylee has an affinity for dried leaves and my nasty white sneakers.
Kylee also likes to follow Simon's asshole like it's a conga line. Aainst our hopes, he won't even look at her, and if she comes in, he goes out. On the bed he lays stiffly frozen and tense. We hope this will pass.

Kylee has sharp little barbs for teeth and I expect is still teething because she won't sleep more than an hour before waking up to pace. And of course, to piss under the table, or attempt to chew on the only things we beg her not to.

1. The dining chairs - that's right you SHOULD look guilty. I own very little furniture that is worth a damn penny, and she picked it.

2. My computer cords, my uplink wires and everything that makes my electronic world spin in joyous circles.
3. Simon. She needs to stop chewing on him because he really doesn't like it, although has shown no aggression. Yet.
Kylee doesn't like snow. This is partially why getting a winter puppy proves hard, there is no scent for her to follow and take lead from Pickle on where to go.
Kylee doesn't like noise and gets startled easilly. This part is good, because a thundering NO gets her attention instantly.

Kylee has wrapped herself around Mr. Morgan's heart so fast, and he has a terrible cold or the plague.... whatever it is I don't want it and he is miserable but still playing with her, and Simon, equally. I haven't heard such a violent and sudden vomit fest since high school parties.

I admit to glaring at her today and explaining the regimen of my required quantity of sleep, which is a crazy amount of slumbering before I turn remotely human. I got even by tossing her into the snow (toss, not throw) and the white stuff offended her deeply, so she came right inside and guess it? Peed.
She is so adorable!!
She's a cutie. and I can find no more fitting end to the Zurich critter than death by Kylee.
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