Potty Count!

In other news, Simon still thinks it's funny to poop on my carpeting. Ever notice people calling carpet "carpets?" as if it's plural when talking about one room? I have come to notice these little dialect differences as I adventure through spanish. I also cringe when someone says two pairs. Isn't two pair? Pair already implies plural. Digressing. So Simon is going to see his best friend tomorrow Dr. Pulver, as in Pulverizer to those who shit inside! but he doesn't know it. Frankly, I'm going to let him think his happy ass is going to the park to roll and sausage himself in the grass. No. He's getting a finger up his ass to express glands and I am all but calling a staff meeting for all to watch him and add the humiliation factor to it. "Get the interns, let's all learn from Simon!" Teach him right to be getting old and sloppy on me.
Soooo. well why not on today's submission. I don't think it's out of line for puppets to start getting honest.
- DM
lol, i'm not sure on the pair/s thing. a pair is singular...a single group of two items. But two pair would be two groups ot two items, and thus i think, two pairs.
How's Simon?
I'll never be able to look at The Count the same way again.
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