Saturday, August 05, 2006


Just when I think I couldn't possibly do anything to shock myself, I have managed it. Everyone knows I have some weird growths, which are really simply confused calcium deposits in the most inconvenient of places. I've had one on my right big toe that dates all the way back to my first marriage and was given the moniker of Bone Toe from the start.

I suppose I always knew it was possible that this could happen, but I honestly never expected that it would. We walked the dogs las evening and the weather was nice and the neighborhood is clean so I went without shoes, as I do from time to time.

Frankly, I am still in a state of baffle. I presumed if this were to happen it would be over debri or, walking into a wall type of situation. Nope. Sure as fuck as we walked along there was a bit of uneven sidewalk, those little parts that any person paying attention wouldn't trip over, I did.

And Bone Toe.... came out, insisting on bringing my toenail hostage as evidence of it's misery. Blood fucking everywhere. We had to finish the walk home of course, as I left bloody footprints all over the sidewalk much to the "is that girl bleeding all over our property?" distain of my neighbors.

Upon home we took a better look at my inability to walk without some fucking incident happening, and a good ... well all of the top skin of my toe flapping under the ceiling fan. I looked at Mr. Morgan whimpering a bit, and knowing he blanches pretty much at the sight of anything gross, but he went to task, fetched clippers and said we gotta cut that off.

I replied that nerve endings still seemed to be in there and that could pose some pain. Clever man noted that what dangled was blue, thus no longer getting oxygen. I have taught him well!
We cut it off and he ran for a sock, his answer for everything if you recall that when he had some bad ballsack to leg chaffing and I'd asked if he had ointment and he declared that he'd just slapped a wet sock up there and was good to roll.

I will not describe what it looks like today. I'm not even sure what I see when I look, is it muscle? Bone? Both? I can't poke at it, as it hurts badly, but I can say that it's gone black and my (FUCK!) freshly painted toe nail doesn't seem to be intact.

I know it seems presumptuous when I have said nothing about every day I live is normal, but this should prove it. Mother fuck, I hurtin! /cries whines and sucks it up.... sortof. And yes, the photos were necessary. Can't pick and chose what parts of my life you want to participate in, all or nothing fuckers.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't take anymore pictures. It looks much neater now...but somehow not in a nice way. But LMAO, thanks for the wet sock/ball sac reminder. I love it when I get a do over on a a good laugh.

12:31 PM  
Blogger DMorgan's Zoo said...

I will do over that entry sometime in the future, just for you. But neater? Dude, it's fucking black and even your mother paused and in only the way she can... asked me if I thought it was purdent to have it exposed. But then again she has seen me walk into more than the same wall for the last 5 years, and could simply just be pointing out the obvious.

12:40 PM  
Blogger Saffyrre said...

All I have to say is Sweet Lord!

8:29 PM  

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