Monday, November 06, 2006

High School Pondery

Anonymous said...
As I am currently a high school freshman, I'm interested in your memories about your best and worst high school experience. Thanks in advance.-Mutt

Per the question asked of me, well hm! Doesn't high school in general pretty much suck? I don't really recall too many extreme highs or lows. I know I was, and remain a giant pain in the ass to whoever I live with, so my parents definitely had their hands full with me. I wasn't a bad kid, rather just found a way to do what a I wanted without killing my stupid self or anyone else.

I think a few of the lows was at homecoming I threw a flag mid-routine and the wind graciously swept it an ich from expectation and it dropped on the ground. I cried in the parking lot for hours until my ride showed up, and I remember people walking by and whispering "she's the one who dropped her flag." Thanks..... I hadn't noticed!

I was also ditched at senior prom, that stands out. My long time boyfriend at the time left state on an emergency visit in the east where his sister lives. That or he simply didn't want to go and fluffed me off. I did have another offer but ugh - the alternate and I had gone out once before to the movies. He was nice enough, but when we got into the theatre he kicked off his dirt caked cowboy boots and flopped the most disgusting feet over the chairs in front of us. Toes were hanging out of the holes in the socks and shit. Um no. I waited for marriage to tolerate that sort of foot. So I never went to prom, but I stood there that night with my parents flashing cameras, I was dressed and waiting to go. Oh well.

Good times, let's see. I don't really know. School was never really bad or good. I didn't think much of it. It was a place I was expected to go everyday and bring home a paper listing the albphabet in the highest possible order.

My best friend through those years dropped out as a freshman, so I don't really have the cruising the hall with your kindred memories. And plus, I was a cheerleader who had nothing in common with other cheerleaders, I didn't roll very often with that crowd and would get the looks, but never the to my face opinions for frequently being across the campus smoking with the ... I think the were called "stoners" back then. In my uniform or not. Not implying I was a rebel, just was what I was and those people were far more interesting than nail polish.

I had two girlfriends in high school, and that was interesting and a fond memory, but my family reads this so there will be no graphic explanations for my more perverted readers. I am half fag, but not practicing as I am loyally married. Lol Mr. Morgan hates that term.

So there you go and thanks for the question, although I doubt it's sincerity or honesty. If I am wrong, sorry.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm one of the few people I know who actually liked High School. Definitely my formitive years and had such a great influence on who I am today.

11:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's weird. I loved high school (or better said, high school years) and at the same time if I could go back, I'd do so much differently. That may sound contradictory. Oh well.

And now you're censoring yourself? Ugh, what is this world coming to.

11:25 AM  
Blogger DMorgan's Zoo said...

Lol about that? Sure.

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with you, Shan. I loved high school as well but then again if I could go back I would change a few things. Growing up makes you see things in different ways that I wish I had known when I was in high school. Plus you realize it doesn't matter that much what people think and if I would have realized that sooner, I would have had a higher self confidence. Not that I had a low one mind you, but I would have been a stronger person I think. Maybe take more risks than the easy middle road. Although I did try out for Pom Squad my Freshman year - still can't believe I did that! What was I thinking! I can barely walk straight without falling over let alone dance, ha!

I'm agree with you Sav that I'm not sure if it was a genuine question (by genuine I mean someone that is a freshman in high school, I don't know many that are that articulate). And I am also sorry if it really was, Mutt! But dang, who says "Thanking you in advance" that isn't in business or working in an office somewhere?

Love ya Sav!

12:53 PM  
Blogger DMorgan's Zoo said...

I honestly don't think much about it except the things I would do different. I lacked confidence plenty of times, but there was always a person who was lacking too that you could find comfort with. Those are very difficult years, I simply just find them very unremarkable although my Miss Nev is right that they form who you are, one way or another.

5:44 PM  
Blogger DMorgan's Zoo said...

And saf.... if I could make cheer captain anyone could. In honesty I would say I was captain of the special ed clan with how well I walk, but being bossy goes a long way. Again, another lesson learned.

5:48 PM  
Blogger DMorgan's Zoo said...

Absolutely wonderful stories you all are sharing, keep them coming!

11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To say that I loathed high school would be an insulting understatement. Our family was - what did they call it back then?? oh right, I came from a broken home - had little money, and mom had the bad sense to think that sending my brother and me to a "better" school would somehow give us greater opportunity in life. I don't know wtf she was thinking, actually, but it only succeeded in making me a nice juicy target for the Paris Hilton wannabes.

My life was right out of a John Hughes flick, but without the cute rich kid that learns the error of his ways and spends the rest of the semester adoring me. I hated everyone in my school with about 5 exceptions - including the teachers that seemed well aquainted with licking the butts of the future leaders of the community. I don't miss them, but hell, I'd go back in an instant. Youth's truly a thing not to be wasted on the young. I spent my high school youth hanging with adults. Never went to prom nor my graduation, and I don't miss it. It sucked donkey dick, I tell you.

And yes, it has shaped me to an extent. To this day, I will fight like a pitt bull for the underdog. The less likely a person or issue is to win, the more likely I will be fighting for it. I am suspicious and uncomfortable around the wealthy unless they soon prove to me that they are not themselves defined by it. And it does seem to me that money defines the wealthy more than the lack of money defines the not so wealthy. haha on you Paris.

Goddess forbid I should show up to a party in retail.

3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

never went to a prom, never went to homecoming, skipped alot of classes, favorite memory is probably eating BROWNIES on bus on the way to off campus ice-skating class...dont remember much of the rest of that day, lol., cant remember if i ever went to a dance, was academically good (B average without really trying), was never really a part of any group...aka..jocks, sochies, heads or geeks...but blended with all, loved road parties, not sure what i would change if i could go back.

have regrets but not really, its kinda weerd.

10:08 PM  

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