Tale of the Tail
No clue on the font, it fucks with me sometimes.....
Talk about running up a tab. Six years ago Delilah cost me 3,000 to aid in her dodging death. One year later she added a couple hundred dollars to that. Since then she'd had a pretty good streak of not costing much more than food and board.
Lately she'd been acting weird. Very clingy, jimmy legs and what nots and following us everywhere, even into the john and leaning on a leg while one is trying to have their morning movement. Not desirable. This morning I noticed she hadn't been eating, and this is a dog who eats all her food then runs Simon away from his tray and eats his up too. She's rather greedy by nature.
I had been bothered by the behavior change, but the appetite change is huge when something is up with a dog. Or any animal I suppose, including humans. As I went to leave she blocked the door. I told her to move ass, I had to go. She refused to move. I had to drag her away from the door to get out and she then began violently shivering/shaking.
So I went to work, in tears, called Mr. Morgan and told him he needed to get off work early and come take care of this, that it could not wait. He came home noonish and said she was a mess and we needed to take her NOW.
I flew out the door towards home.
We took Simon with us, since he doesn't understand and freaks himself out if left alone without his sister. They are truly inseparable.
Delilah sigh, poor beast, endured fingers in her rear, down her throat, in her ears and anyplace else that wasn't checked, including many vice-like holds from the staff as all of this was happening. I wish I spoke dog because she stared at me, while her mouth was being held shut, with a look of "You TOTALLY fucking said we were going for ice cream, and I have a finger in my butt! That is NOT a sprinkle Mom you lied!" The vet gave me a very unapproving look when I told her no, neither dog has been vaccinated since after five years of age. It's not healthy, and it's how I feel. She did not push the issue.
At the end of the exhausting many hour visit, of which I think they used my dog to test every piece of equipment in their arsenal, our bank account is coughing and gasping and Delilah is on many medicines that she has already expressed severe disinterest in. We've tried to reason with her, but she keeps countering the offer until I wave the bill in front of her face and she relents, takes the pills.
We also have to start a twice daily ear regimen that is fairly science fiction looking. Involves rinses and swabs and microscopes or some shit. It's ugly.
But as Delilah always does, she got her pound of flesh (literally) for the torture as one of the girls helping didn't know she was half sharpei, and is alergic to sharpei's, and burst into some pretty impressive hives. I felt bad but... read the paperwork, I said what she was. She didn't seem to mind wearing red blotches for the sake of Leedy's ears, and I found that endearing.
I'll keep you posted. She is by no way cured or close to a level I consider a happy healthy girl, but hopefully this medicine will help. From the outside - I'm sure that two adults ditching work over a dog seems far fetched, but they are our loves and we make no excuses about that.
Especially me since I bought her for 50 bucks on the day she was set to be put down. That was about 10 years ago. She is a staple in my daily life that is non-negotiable. Below is a couple videos of her, one enjoying a bone, and I'm pretty sure she was meant to have opposable thumbs, she is pretty good at the grapple maneuver. Taken a while ago. And of course a gratuitous Simon and Sally (my stuffed giraffe) photo.
Talk about running up a tab. Six years ago Delilah cost me 3,000 to aid in her dodging death. One year later she added a couple hundred dollars to that. Since then she'd had a pretty good streak of not costing much more than food and board.
Lately she'd been acting weird. Very clingy, jimmy legs and what nots and following us everywhere, even into the john and leaning on a leg while one is trying to have their morning movement. Not desirable. This morning I noticed she hadn't been eating, and this is a dog who eats all her food then runs Simon away from his tray and eats his up too. She's rather greedy by nature.
I had been bothered by the behavior change, but the appetite change is huge when something is up with a dog. Or any animal I suppose, including humans. As I went to leave she blocked the door. I told her to move ass, I had to go. She refused to move. I had to drag her away from the door to get out and she then began violently shivering/shaking.
So I went to work, in tears, called Mr. Morgan and told him he needed to get off work early and come take care of this, that it could not wait. He came home noonish and said she was a mess and we needed to take her NOW.
I flew out the door towards home.
We took Simon with us, since he doesn't understand and freaks himself out if left alone without his sister. They are truly inseparable.
Delilah sigh, poor beast, endured fingers in her rear, down her throat, in her ears and anyplace else that wasn't checked, including many vice-like holds from the staff as all of this was happening. I wish I spoke dog because she stared at me, while her mouth was being held shut, with a look of "You TOTALLY fucking said we were going for ice cream, and I have a finger in my butt! That is NOT a sprinkle Mom you lied!" The vet gave me a very unapproving look when I told her no, neither dog has been vaccinated since after five years of age. It's not healthy, and it's how I feel. She did not push the issue.
At the end of the exhausting many hour visit, of which I think they used my dog to test every piece of equipment in their arsenal, our bank account is coughing and gasping and Delilah is on many medicines that she has already expressed severe disinterest in. We've tried to reason with her, but she keeps countering the offer until I wave the bill in front of her face and she relents, takes the pills.
We also have to start a twice daily ear regimen that is fairly science fiction looking. Involves rinses and swabs and microscopes or some shit. It's ugly.
But as Delilah always does, she got her pound of flesh (literally) for the torture as one of the girls helping didn't know she was half sharpei, and is alergic to sharpei's, and burst into some pretty impressive hives. I felt bad but... read the paperwork, I said what she was. She didn't seem to mind wearing red blotches for the sake of Leedy's ears, and I found that endearing.
I'll keep you posted. She is by no way cured or close to a level I consider a happy healthy girl, but hopefully this medicine will help. From the outside - I'm sure that two adults ditching work over a dog seems far fetched, but they are our loves and we make no excuses about that.
Especially me since I bought her for 50 bucks on the day she was set to be put down. That was about 10 years ago. She is a staple in my daily life that is non-negotiable. Below is a couple videos of her, one enjoying a bone, and I'm pretty sure she was meant to have opposable thumbs, she is pretty good at the grapple maneuver. Taken a while ago. And of course a gratuitous Simon and Sally (my stuffed giraffe) photo.

Positive thoughts for the Pooch
Been out of town or would've posted a comment. Glad to hear there is nothing critically wrong with D. I know how attached we get to our dogs. Hopefully the medicine will do the trick. Have a good week!
Sorry, DM! I'll be sending some very good thoughts the way of Delilah. I completely understand the helpless feeling of watching a loved one in pain or sickness without being able to express how they are feeling.
She is feeling a great deal better, and the entire Wolford tribe is very much sighing relief and beginning to relax. Thanks for the kind thoughts.
I'm so glad she's feeling better. Did the vet ever say what was wrong?
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