Friday, January 19, 2007

Slumber Party

Slumber Party!

Right so we decided since it was the last day of the week before Bosslady returns from Mexico (hopefully bearing gifts) we would make it Pajama Day and have the first annual office slumber party. No naps or anything, it actually began quite simple with nothing more than wearing jammas to work, then it spiraled out of control in my mind and things got a taste more tricky.

I decided I’d bake cuppin-cakes, something Mr. Morgan has never seen me do and we celebrate our 4 year anniversary this year. I’m not much on baking but the box assured that even I was qualified.

I looked forward to this day all week in fact, but when I came home last night to bake, I discovered that because I do not bake often, all I had was one small muffin tray. It held a mere sixer per batch and my face fell. Give a guess how fucking long I was up cooking those god damned things.

Guess yet? About 4 hours. On shit I don’t even eat.

There was a surplus and I sent a couple dozen with Mr. Morgan to his work, pretty sure they would be greeted with enthusiasm and they were. My office mates were equally gracious and ate more cuppin-cakes than I’d thought they would. I hadn’t meant to make so many, but the batter just kept going no matter how much I bitched and filled the paper cups more and more full to get rid of the shit.

Cool, ice, sprinkle, foil and went to bed pissed that the jammas I had panned to wear were covered in cake goo and would not suffice anymore.

Here I am in the substitute gear.

We got some lunch, and yes I walked into a restaurant like that, who even cares.

For the pinnacle of the party I wanted a marshmallow roast and made everyone a name tent with a tray, a chop stick and a tea light candle. Pfft and some actually said a mallow could not be roasted by tea light proper. I myself find the personal roast most appealing, no mincing of sticks… cross mallow contamination and what nots. I thought all in all it was rather genius.

So here are a couple boring videos, nothing too remarkable, of my office mates and self enjoying our fuck off time. I’ll admit to throwing a small tantrum, but really, its was MY party and I’ll bitch if I want to. I’m not sorry for the attitude, but it chilled the mood to a cool negative 5-million for a few minutes as people exchanged glances on who should slap me first. It picked up and we had a good time.

At the end of this one when Bossladies Daughter makes a comment and my gaze goes to complete dick mode.... I tell ya I watched it and thought wow. I adore her, so it was in no way aimed that direction, it was at what she said, I have a criminal countenance without trying, it's entirely honest though, at the time I thought.... who DOES eat this shit... and it's written on my face.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha! This is awesome! I want to work there!

11:10 AM  
Blogger DMorgan's Zoo said...

No my love, no you do not.

5:26 PM  

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