Answer time!
Answering the posed ponders of yesterday......
For Bosslady's Daughter - who by the way, looked POW today, wubba lady! Older photo of my clingy adoration. I think she might be petting me? What the.... (pauses to add her name to the dog adoption list since petting is desired).

OK - You're stranded on a desert island. Describe and detail each of the following that would be there with you:
What CILF (Celebrity I'd Like To Fuck)? Clooney, he pulls off the scruffy look without effort.
What one tool? A lighter. If you smoke you realize this is very much a tool, and I want off this island! Ever seen a smoker missing a lighter? It can get very tense, very fast. So .. it's a tool. If lighter is ruled out, I would take one of those 50 in one tools. Some of everything in there, would cover it all. Lol, did you think I would do anything simple? Fuck no, it's technically ONE tool after all.
What one book? Anything by Stephen King, since I'm stranded... may as well have a long read.
What three songs (for your solar powered mp3)? Gnarls Barkley's Crazy (I remember when I lost my mind.... it was somewhere along knowing I was stranded). Feel Good Inc., because that is a beach strutting song (don't stop get it get it, and watch the way I navigate hahahahaha). And....I'm a Survivor? Lol....
What's the worst thing you ever did to a friend?
Ooo. Worst thing I've done to a friend or anyone... even family....Walking away. The ability to just stop all interaction on the drop of a dime and turning on a person for reasons that don't always deserve it, just hit that switch and I can get very cold and not care if it hurts or confuses the friend. So for that one, I don't have a specific example, I have simply dropped friendships instantly many times, and I am extremely harsh once that switch goes on. Not proud of it, and it's not a defense mechanism, it's logic that the relationship has run it's course, no need to pursue. As I thought how to answer this I thought of the people I have let slip away, or have pushed away, and I know I have done myself a great diservice by being someone who can, and will, just dissapear from your life. I imagine I've missed a great deal of memories and fond moments. I'm unforgiving as a friend, I expect a lot and offer much less. Not to say I am not a good pal, I just take friendships on my terms. It's not cool, no. I'm aware.
To my darling and beloved Miss Nev, who writes:
If you had anything in your life to do over again and change (perhaps changing who you are today) what would it be?
I am where I want to be so I wouldn't change BUT hypothetically....
I would have been born more wealthy. Does that count? If not, I'd have been born with genes that wouldn't have me crippling up.
Money wise, I always wanted to go to med school. That doesn't happen if you want to be happilly married.
Health wise, that doesn't happen short of having different parents, and I wouldn't trade my mother for anyone else. If I could pull a health do-over, I wish my hips weren't out at birth, lending me an interesting buffet of pain as I approach 30, and an array of worries for Mr. Morgan - will he be pushing my broken ass around far before it's time? I'd like to not have that concern, amongst other physical shit, but I am striving not to bring that up too much lately.
Do-overs scare me a bit, because like you noted, it would change who you are and where you are. Entertaining that thought means I would want to be something else, and honestly, as nervous as I am, as physically fucked as I am, as unable I am to remotely attempt mathmatics, and often not knowing where to find something on a map.... I adore being DM. Bold as it seems, who doesn't need a bit of DM in their diet?
Thank you both for the questions!
As an ending, here is Saffy on Halloween.... YOU ROCK!
For Bosslady's Daughter - who by the way, looked POW today, wubba lady! Older photo of my clingy adoration. I think she might be petting me? What the.... (pauses to add her name to the dog adoption list since petting is desired).

OK - You're stranded on a desert island. Describe and detail each of the following that would be there with you:
What CILF (Celebrity I'd Like To Fuck)? Clooney, he pulls off the scruffy look without effort.
What one tool? A lighter. If you smoke you realize this is very much a tool, and I want off this island! Ever seen a smoker missing a lighter? It can get very tense, very fast. So .. it's a tool. If lighter is ruled out, I would take one of those 50 in one tools. Some of everything in there, would cover it all. Lol, did you think I would do anything simple? Fuck no, it's technically ONE tool after all.
What one book? Anything by Stephen King, since I'm stranded... may as well have a long read.
What three songs (for your solar powered mp3)? Gnarls Barkley's Crazy (I remember when I lost my mind.... it was somewhere along knowing I was stranded). Feel Good Inc., because that is a beach strutting song (don't stop get it get it, and watch the way I navigate hahahahaha). And....I'm a Survivor? Lol....
What's the worst thing you ever did to a friend?
Ooo. Worst thing I've done to a friend or anyone... even family....Walking away. The ability to just stop all interaction on the drop of a dime and turning on a person for reasons that don't always deserve it, just hit that switch and I can get very cold and not care if it hurts or confuses the friend. So for that one, I don't have a specific example, I have simply dropped friendships instantly many times, and I am extremely harsh once that switch goes on. Not proud of it, and it's not a defense mechanism, it's logic that the relationship has run it's course, no need to pursue. As I thought how to answer this I thought of the people I have let slip away, or have pushed away, and I know I have done myself a great diservice by being someone who can, and will, just dissapear from your life. I imagine I've missed a great deal of memories and fond moments. I'm unforgiving as a friend, I expect a lot and offer much less. Not to say I am not a good pal, I just take friendships on my terms. It's not cool, no. I'm aware.
To my darling and beloved Miss Nev, who writes:
If you had anything in your life to do over again and change (perhaps changing who you are today) what would it be?
I am where I want to be so I wouldn't change BUT hypothetically....
I would have been born more wealthy. Does that count? If not, I'd have been born with genes that wouldn't have me crippling up.
Money wise, I always wanted to go to med school. That doesn't happen if you want to be happilly married.
Health wise, that doesn't happen short of having different parents, and I wouldn't trade my mother for anyone else. If I could pull a health do-over, I wish my hips weren't out at birth, lending me an interesting buffet of pain as I approach 30, and an array of worries for Mr. Morgan - will he be pushing my broken ass around far before it's time? I'd like to not have that concern, amongst other physical shit, but I am striving not to bring that up too much lately.
Do-overs scare me a bit, because like you noted, it would change who you are and where you are. Entertaining that thought means I would want to be something else, and honestly, as nervous as I am, as physically fucked as I am, as unable I am to remotely attempt mathmatics, and often not knowing where to find something on a map.... I adore being DM. Bold as it seems, who doesn't need a bit of DM in their diet?
Thank you both for the questions!
As an ending, here is Saffy on Halloween.... YOU ROCK!

Hee hee! What can I say, I'm just so very evil!
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