I'll take the Sizzled Skull, rare, with a side of Simon.

Yes, The Edmond is out, as well as his other friends. For reference to those who haven't met Edmond, he's six feet tall, moves and yaps. One would think it could stand to get annoying after say.... one day, but Edmond and I are friends and we greet eachother in every coming or going past his station. Watching Kylee react to The Edmond was enough to make me curl into a ball and bite my own fist to stop from the excitement. I might even say that my eyes watered with the most creepy grin imaginable. It went far beyond her normal
"What dat Mama?" and straight to
"What the Fuck Mama! Am I going to have to share food rations with this thing?? It tried to EAT me!" She certainly has quite intuitive expressions and can raise her brows independently of one another to express it clearly. I think she expects Edmond to chase her and walks in a feline sideways stride past him... of course setting off his sensor, much to her chagrin of thinking she was being slick about getting to the water bowl. I did nothing to save her from The Edmond, it's funner to let her think he's plotting. Since then she glares at me with the expression of disdain that she was practically murdered and I sat by, never coming to her rescue.
Edmond has earned himself a reputation, many visitors are leary of my friend, and even I can admit to forgetting he's there, stumbling half asleep into the kitchen to be bolted two feet into the air by one of his greetings. Great security guard.
- DM
poor doggie!!
What does Edmund say?
A multitude of things. He also is a heavy breather and his chest inflates while making a groaning sound. His eyes move and head as well, it's a damn good prop. Mostly he says shit like "Ah, you've arrived! The masters' been expecting you."
"Come right in."
"How wonderful to see you this evening"
Etc. Says all sorts of shit in a pretty creepy voice. I will link you to a video in a little bit.
I love Simon on a platter. So cute!
I didn't end up decorating this weekend, had a bad one and will tell you about it later.
Wish I could see Edmond in person! He's awesome!
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