Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Solitary Man

Today sucked. I was found weeping in the parking lot today by Moon, who pryed the the handgun and icepick out of my hand to prevent the oncoming felony. I don't know when, if ever, Suffice to say a hand was put in my face rudely to "hush" me like a child (twice), my computer was altered to monitor me from another pc (because my porn addiction has gotten out of control) and my ass was insulted for being absent. I took a peek, and in fact I do still have an ass albiet one not to the standards required.

My ass apologies for it's inadeqecies. And by the way, stop looking if it's so offendishly gone JEFF! Also, stop slapping it. I will fucking charge you, ass slaps are not free and there is a 15 percent mark up for doing so in an office setting unprovoked.

Sounds trite eh? Well consider you are reading the blog of a crazy bitch, it's been a build up.

That said..... the upbeat of today was the following conversation 'tween Bosslady's Daughter and I. I post it simply because of how dirty it sounds and if overheard in speak..... wubba! Scandal!

D Morgan: sorry I was in with the phone man, playing with his tool /cough
D Morgan: HAD to say it that way
D Morgan: darling little fellow he is
D Morgan: but really I did wander in there because he was being noisy
D Morgan: asked "whacha got there?"
D Morgan: he called it a something or other and I found it grappled into my hand immediately
D Morgan: I had it pointed at the wall and he said no.... that'll punch a hole if you do that. So I went for the wires
D Morgan: again denied and told not a good idea
D Morgan: I frowned and said well YOU were doing shit in here.... where can I use it?
NoxiousNan: lol
D Morgan: he demonstrated on the table I went to task
D Morgan: then it freaked me out and I fled
D Morgan: I thanked him first tho
D Morgan: blame me mother for that shit
D Morgan: but I did make it do.. whatever the fuck it does. I personally think it just makes noise.

I later set the nice man on fire. Felt bad but it wasn't on purpose. I wrote to Bosslady's Daughter, "pssst I just set the phone dude on fire."

I forget the reply but it was not one of surprise. Fuck I must seem such a mess to other people. I have hatched a new plan for a PE blog. PE would be that class you used to be requierd to take in school, but no one does anymore. I just means it's a plot involving photos, work and ... stuff. The Filet Minon of blogs. That sort of thing. Pray for my maintaining employment and free of a record.


- ps Never put your hands in people's faces. It is not only rude but could get you bit. It is highly insulting and uncalled for. In return I will never ask a question that pertains to my job, because someone else knowing it is more important until I falter, and then am yelled at more for not asking enough questions. Fucking crotch. I know I do have a great deal of those who care about me, but don't we always sometimes feel alone? Today I am Solitary.


I love me an oldie... so enjoy below..... I'll be what I am.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this song, and I can't believe how young Neil looks! My boyfriend (Chris) does a damn fine cover of this song. Most excellent! I hope you have a better day, I think things have been pretty crappy for a lot of folks...me included.

10:18 AM  
Blogger DMorgan's Zoo said...

Thanks for the nice words. I have a new project I'm hatching soon so I imagine things will pick up and distract me from the bullshit that I ultimately should not even care about.

3:29 PM  

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