Picking on the lil' guy...
I went home sick today a few hours early, something was just not right in my head. Not that it normally is, but a light-headed dizzy sort of thing that is one breath away from the panic attack to enforce it. I have been feeling a bit out of it, but blowing it off to a virus or something alike. I can’t get enough sleep…. All I do is sleep!
My day however began from being very groggy to screaming MOTHER FUCK repeatedly in the parking lot at work. This caught Moon's nose and she came over to investigate.
"Do you fucking see this?"
"Oh man..." /she became quiet and gave me a look that indicated she had an idea on how I was about to melt down and take everyone with me.
Double mother fuck. It was a piggy backed assault. On my god damned metro. The Metro. MY metro!!!!!!!! Pick on any car you want, ex
CEPT the metro. Find a nice Lexus, a Lincoln... get a little Hummer action
(snap on pun!) but leave the metro's out of vandalism. They have a hard enough time trying to compete in their heirarchy of vehicle friends.
"What the fuck IS that?"
"Looks like a pellet gun."
I looked about like this for the next few hours.

I couldn't stop tripping over the who's and why's when it was likely just a drive by metro assasignation attempt. Did I piss off the Jeff-lings enough for a revenge attack? Is my ex in town and using the only weapon leagally obtainable? Who goes around shooting cars? RC will likely defend this behavior too, since... it's probably, just kids. Who I repeat CLEARLY are not getting the proper instruction OR supervision. But ya know, I'm just a meanie with my car shot up. Take it up the ass DM, dig it.... they're kids! I know I was strapped up with all sorts ammo when I was young. They issued them at school and handed you a pack to reload. Therewas even an instruction manual on how to best be destructive without being grounded. Fun!

They are far more impressive in person, and this .... ya know, why am I trying to defend it's size. It's my metro, you all know the value I put on this car that retails at the price of a big mac yet I shelled 6 grand to watch it come home with me. I associate much of myself with driving a metro. Finding it shot is much like kicking one of my dogs, if caught in action I will set aside my pacifism card and give chase, holding the guilty mother fucker hostage until the cops can come and beat it's ass proper while I cheer and encourage justice.
Disregard for one's personal property ..... growl. I mean look at the shit. Does this car look like it's needs help in losing it's paint job? One crack in the paint and it will spread like cancer, and those two bullet holes have already begun to make the paint lice much like an intricate system of veins.

I was done with my car Karma.... or so I thought. I'll tell all that later, but I felt I was DONE. This is the only vehicle I never feel I will need to push somewhere for repair, and asthetically had zero flaws. Fucking thing even has all 4 hubcaps. Lol, grow up poor enough and that is actually something to brag about. May seem small to some, but that is a luxury this girl growing up poor flips her shit for. I own two material items (except the dogs) that I lose my hat over.... my metro, my camera. I give a piss about clothes, shoes, all that crap. I'm very simple in that way. Not saying I don't like STUFF, I love stuff, but if I'm caught in a window with binoculars at 2am ... it's over one of two those items.
Reward offered. /string of expletives.........fuck me I'm still so angry.
Somewehere along the line, I turned into the crotchety neighbor who doesn't want kids I don't know playing on my lawn or listening to noise outside after dark.
I think that signals that I am turning into my father once and for all.
Anyway, sucks amout the Metro. Sometimes crap like this is so senseless.
Liability Shans.... no shame in that and expecting your property to be respected. It just sadly isn't the way things are. I have more upbeat entries to come soon. Hint - we are hitting KFC, and we have.... a ....chicken hat. -DM
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