Easter. Good day. I'm excited. Mr Morgan says I'm too old for an egg hunt or a basket and I blinked..... asked why? Since when? Who says?

This is my mother's dog Nipper. I dont have much to say about that dog that I haven't before.
Here I am with a toy meant for my nephew. He didn't show up so I took his shit. He wouldn't have played with it anyway, he is over that age of being FUN! I missed the memo.
This was our Easter beast. The knife is in it because mom and I had a margarita, she saw me with the knife and went nuts that something unintended was about to be cut. The drools from her mouth when the ham-hock popped out though was classic. She was so proud she went to tell my pop that she'd secured a proper hock. I've never seen a ziplock appear so fast.
All said and done I am soooo tired after such a feast. Mother and I had a great time. I ragged her on the teapot (photo above) since she has never made tea from a pot. She likes how it looks on the stove she said. I said it was pomp and circumstance, and since we'd both eaten that margarita with glee, neither of us knew if it was an insult or not. I snuck a fuck load of that bacony-looking-ham home for the babies.
This is MY Easter Pig. I've never seen him so round and expect him to throw up anytime. Presently... he is quite happy.

This is my mother's dog Nipper. I dont have much to say about that dog that I haven't before.

I'm glad you had a fun Easter, and Simon too. Tell Mr Morgan that I still get an Easter Basket AND hunt for Easter Eggs. This year Boss Lady's Daughter's Son (the eldest) was the bunny egg hider (complete with bunny ears) and the seekers aged from 15 - 75.
Simon is such a little ham!
Last year, Mr. Moon nagged and nagged - he wanted to color him some eggs. This year, he said "We don't even have kids, so whatever." His lack of enthusiasm sucked the spirit out of me, so we didn't color any eggs. I am not happy about it, and I think I will go and get me some egg colors at 70% off, and color me some eggs!
Enjoy all of those fun easters you can. I didn't have an egg hunt, no dyeing of eggs, no basket...nothing. I made baskets for the 2 squirrels at home, we went to brunch, and they both left for bigger and better things. I spent the rest of the day cleaning the youngest squirrel's room. Sorry for the depressing post, but it is what it is.
I would have loved to see BLD's eldest offspring in bunny ears!
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