Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Sunday Nugget

Very very, (one more) very, funny.

In the Morgan's Sunday doings..........

"Did you just come in here and fart?" Mr. Morgan asks me.
"No." /points at Delilah "Ask that one."
"Her?" /he pets the dog lovingly. "No, she has more class."
"Are you kidding? That dog has a fart on her that could make a plane crash."
"No, not MY girl."
"Well I always own up to my farts, and that wasn't mine." /gags a little

(thinking that most times I'm actually rather proud of them! It means things are moving along in there, granted the time I ripped one off with such force that Simon leapt to his feet from a deap sleep and began barking, hair blown back, a dazed WHAT THE FUCK was that look on his face was not my best moment however stunning a sleeping dog awake from passing wind is somewhat of an accomplishment. I'll add that to my resume of class).

"It couldn't have been her."
"Did it smell like rotten egg?"
"Then it was her or it was you, but no, I did not walk into your room, fart and leave. But it's a great idea."



Blogger Saffyrre said...

ROFL that's hilarious that he would really think that you came in there just to fart and leave rather than to think it was the dog cohabiting the room with him!!

1:45 PM  
Blogger diana albright said...

LMFAO... I am SO glad that Mr. Moon and I do not have farting issues. Though sometimes he does blame me when it was really him (and vice versa).

8:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quick Story.

My daughter is one and a half and has a very limited vocabulary of words to this point. She has the basics down. Mommy, Daddy, more, mine, etc.

So the other day I'm walking in the kitchen and I slip a bit on whatever was recently spilled and not cleaned up.

My foot skids and makes the universal sound for passing gas. My daughter looks at me with disgust and says "PIG !!"

I think I was laughing for a half hour.

9:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My daughter loves to pass gas and then say "I fart!!!" and then tries as hard as she can to do it again. (She is only two) The best was when she was in a restaurant and farted in front of the waitress, laughed and said "I fart! Ha Ha ".

9:28 AM  

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