Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Meddling, In a good way I hope.

Today was one of those days where things are chill, then goes completely fucking nutty on you, like waking up with a super power.

Normal day, time to lock up, only two of us left and the other flags me down before leaving the parking lot.

"Did you just see that girl walk by, she's SO drunk."
"Shit, ok, hope she doesn't walk in front of my car."
"Yeah be careful."

By the time I rounded the corner, there she was walking exactly like the dead from a zombie movie, dragging a leg when not tripping over the other one, head wobbling and hands behaving in way that it seemed they were talking to eachother in an extremely tense argument, sign language style. We see drunks often since a casino is ehind our building but dayum she was TOE up!

As I passed she fell to the pavement, roughly, but seemed to be getting up so I drove on. Damn, forgot my smokes in the office and drove around the block to see she had since turned around back to the way she was heading. I watched as she approached the crosswalk with no hesitation at all, until she was halfway (staggering) across it, and chose to pause in the middle. I was certain she would be hit, our intersection is not forgiving. Once she made it across, and this was one hell of a wait she collapsed onto the sidewalk again, but seemed to slowly be getting up. I needed poppin-corn as I watched this. She fell into cars after getting up and was resting on them a lot.

Now, I am aware I am nosey and I won't lie and say I didn't consider getting footage. I admit to going so far as to having the purse open and camera in my palm, but something just wasn't right. Swung back around to where she was - zombies walk slow after all, pulled over and heard Mr. Morgan's voice in my head....

"Mind your own, she could be dangerous."

My brain replied - "A pinky finger nudge to the chest and she's down, I'm not scared."

It was way more than drunk, she was totally incoherant and crashing on ... I don't know what sort of drug, but it was not a simple drunk. Threw on my hazards and approached her "Miss? Are you ok?"

She fell into me and we both went to the sidewalk. Not having a cell phone, and absolutely no knowledge of drug overdose or how to address them short of screeching HELP, I was forced to the scream for help route.

Her mouth was sticky, eyes were rolling, hair plastered to her damp face, making tiny glutterous noises, and I can't say she smelled very pleasant.

People did come. It seemed like forever before they came but it was fast enough and someone called responsible people. I know it was nosey to interfere, but jesus.... I hope had you all seen this shit you might have too. That said, I wasn't staying to watch someone potentially die on the sidewalk next to my office, so I bolted once it seemed like enough help was there. I'm anti-death on Mondays.

Little surprised no one stopped her sooner, I know fuckers saw this woman, and I know we all wanted to get home or to wherever but fuck man.... anyone could see she wasn't getting anywhere but to a hospital. I do rather wish I could have gotten some video, but remind myself that while a stunning real live shot of why not to ingest baddies would have been interesting to share, brain declared video brain an asshole and we all decided that footage of a life struggle is a dick move when I know CPR or could at least her her off the road instead.

Frankly, the above sentence sounds major grand but I can't answer in honesty if I would have put my mouth on hers. So, I'm not so perfect, and fuck if I want that on my head if things went bad... who knows what the fuck was going on in her, and you can't perform CPR until a person codes, and while not in a remotely good shape, she was alive.

Well then, I've adventured enough today. Still reeling from it all. This is the second person trying to die on my work watch. Rembember the Mister who came in over a year back bleeding all over the place, that was interesting. I began to tell this story to Mr. Morgan who was annoyed that he'd just walked in from work, sorry, it's not often this happens and I'm a bit keyed up. He'll call Ray in a few minutes, since they've been apart for a half hour, to rehash their whole day when I have this crazy tale on my tongue to deaf ears.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell me about it! I go home to tell Mr. that a bitch was maying half on top of me overdosing, and he can't be bothered. I had NO idea, honestly after watching her for so long I was going to offer her a ride home, had NO clue she was on drugs until I saw the face and the eye lolling, and well.... the foaming in the corners of mouth. Lol, in thinking I probably looked terrible for leaving so fast, as though I was dumping a friend who fucked up, but I just couldn't carry home the memory of someone dying while having fallen on me. Not that day anyhow. -DM

9:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't waste another second of angst on leaving, she'd probably be squashed into the street by now if you hadn't have pulled over. I know the intersection and have a good idea of how many people ignored her. You done good. And I can happily say that by sheer coincidence, I missed BOTH of your Nurse Nightengale events. Well played, Ms Morgan. No surprise and LOL on the reaction from the mister.

9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good on you, Ms. M! You may have saved another life. I agree with BLD about no worries on leaving. I'm sure she would rather not have to explain or thank you, though I have no doubt that she's very thankful. As for Mr. M's reaction, men are weird. If it's not their story about being a hero, they just don't want to hear it. If I ever OD, flip shit out, or just need a hug, I'm gonna fall on you! (I've worn out the welcome on BLD I'm afraid!)

12:06 PM  
Blogger DMorgan's Zoo said...

It wasn't for accolades, or a pass to heaven, although thank you for commending me. I just hope there are more people out there who can cross the line outside their box and take the risk of helping another person. BLD and I spoke of this in detail today, and it was deflating. Like the song says lmao... catch me cause I'm falling down on you.

Still digesting. One office mate says I'm a hero... for what? Being a decent person? Hero where. Granted I love the title, but anyone who watched her as long as I did should have done the same, faith in humans gets hard.

4:48 PM  
Blogger Saffyrre said...

Good thing you stopped, at least you got the ball rolling for her to get some help. Who knows what would have happened had you not been there! Sometimes your curiousity is a good thing!

It cracked me up when I read from you:

"Now, I am aware I am nosey and I won't lie and say I didn't consider getting footage. I admit to going so far as to having the purse open and camera in my palm, but something just wasn't right."

That whole time I was reading before that point I'm thinking "Where's the pictures???" Totally understandable why you didn't take them tho! Muchos Respectos (yes I like to make up Spanish words!)

10:43 AM  

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