First Snow 2007
Read this through.
I hadn't been thrilled over it, it's snow it's cold and it makes my hair wet, but Moon wanted to go on a frolick so we did. (click for bigger if like.... good shots)
I have become a cat. More on this after. I know this doesn't look like I've climbed a tree, but it took one persons' body weight to unhinge me from the branches once I got up there. A shoe came off, yelps were bounding .... all the side effects of being stupid were present.
I know, looks like I could have just hopped down. While I am a great hopper, you'd have to invesitgate the larger view (can click) to see a branch 'tween legs thrawting this hop to freedom. Seriously, it took contorting, screamings "My legs don't do that! I'm going to pop out a hip!" to get me out of that simple tree. I since have named it Tricky Tree.
Christmas doings are fine. Sort of. I have lists, then I have lists FOR the fucking lists, and lists of why I hate all lists. Mostly because my room looks like this:
If it doesn't look bad to you, just take my word for it. I can't walk in this fucker without getting annoyed enough to contemplate putting it all into a woodchipper and saying piss to it all.
Now for the story of the "other" climbing thing. /had to take off my coat as we just home from Chili's. Gross, so was midway blogging when we left.
SO.... earlier in the week I had to pick up some eating thing my nephew was peddling for ... prizes? Pretzel dogs at 21 bucks a box of six. I was chill with it thinking these fuckers came with super-man capes and what not. My mom had been holding them for me and the other lady at work who participated. For like weeks. I'm prompt that way.
I remembered my mom has a surplus of ... pretty much everything. but namely little gift bags. I asked if I could get at some, knowing I was going to anyhow. Anyone else ever feel that way when you walk into the house formerly yours... it's all fair game? I've been caught with a HUH look often. "But but... it's mine?"
She's said I could have the bags.
She smokes in the garage now, I blink on that but later for it, she went inside to get the pretzel dog bounty. In that time I had climbed her ... guessing 50 grand car ..... and was dangling, legs wrapped around a rafter, my hand reaching out like the starved, for the box of tiny bags that were just out of my reach. You have to imagine the sight of someone grappling with fingers curling and veins pumping for something out of stretch by an inch. I meant to include I was in a long skirt. This was indeed a typical, yet sad, DM sighting.
My mother comes back out with the pretzel dogs, takes one look at me up there, sets them down and lights a smoke with an expression of remote interest.
"Whatcha done there?"
While she knew well that I climbed something I could not UN-climb, she didn't know I just used her car to do it. She doesn't ask HOW I do t he shit I do, it's useless, just looks on and wonders what she gave birth to.
She enjoyed her smoke while watching me straddle the beam, cocking her head with curiousity. I was all collected, as though I'd planned it all out that way, we had a conversation. But let's not play that mothers' don't know when a kid is bullshitting. She knew I was stuck.
I've been asked if she was worried.... No, no she wasn't. she'd call 911 had I fell, but worry about some bullshit I've pulled? Lol absolutely not. She has met me, so no. After finishing a smoke She did bring over a latter, raise a brow and ask if I'd found the bags. I couldn't be more of my mothers daughter. If I saw some dangling broad in my rafter I might enjoy a full smoke too while I watched. Or it's simply fun to enjoy the preview of the dumb shit I do. All I can say is I really wanted those god damned bags.
I am my mother in every way, but times ten. scary. Holidays make you think, and every time I think of my mother I just grin and wish she would have let loose so much more.... although I suspect she did before we were old enough to see her settle down. Never settle down my readers, never. Be wild and play every day of your life!!!
More soon, we shoot the Morgan Family Photo tomorrow. I've warned them all and I've never seen a house scatter so fast. Just a photo, lighten up people or no laundry or food. Ever. Tomorrow is Sunday Breakfast..... I'll get my way.
- This video is for you Mama, I am just like you and proud to be. I know you worked so hard for us, but you did find time, and you are my favorite person ever. Never seen a bigger cheerleader for children than you were for us, I hate that you had to struggle so much to get us to the lives we have. It's not unaapreciated (even though you don't read this website), I love you so so much, and admire your strength. Your girls imherited it too, in our ways... if nothing else be proud for that. Look at us, one is artistic to a fault and the other is all about her family and children. You did good. More than good, and I love you. I think of you everytime I hear this song, but as older... I embrace the "My boy is just like me" lyric." That is a compliment. I look at the pictures I take, the things I've done and I have to credit you for letting me be me, you never once curbed a single thing we did to form ourselves. For a moment, all readers ... my mother made this possible, and by a fun fun breach birth let you all read what I write. a little biting, but life is what it is, I really am fond of being a little mom, even if it's cold, defensive, and otherwise, it what she knows and how she raised two children alone. SO... Let's us sing.
I hadn't been thrilled over it, it's snow it's cold and it makes my hair wet, but Moon wanted to go on a frolick so we did. (click for bigger if like.... good shots)
I have become a cat. More on this after. I know this doesn't look like I've climbed a tree, but it took one persons' body weight to unhinge me from the branches once I got up there. A shoe came off, yelps were bounding .... all the side effects of being stupid were present.
I know, looks like I could have just hopped down. While I am a great hopper, you'd have to invesitgate the larger view (can click) to see a branch 'tween legs thrawting this hop to freedom. Seriously, it took contorting, screamings "My legs don't do that! I'm going to pop out a hip!" to get me out of that simple tree. I since have named it Tricky Tree.
Christmas doings are fine. Sort of. I have lists, then I have lists FOR the fucking lists, and lists of why I hate all lists. Mostly because my room looks like this:
If it doesn't look bad to you, just take my word for it. I can't walk in this fucker without getting annoyed enough to contemplate putting it all into a woodchipper and saying piss to it all.
Now for the story of the "other" climbing thing. /had to take off my coat as we just home from Chili's. Gross, so was midway blogging when we left.
SO.... earlier in the week I had to pick up some eating thing my nephew was peddling for ... prizes? Pretzel dogs at 21 bucks a box of six. I was chill with it thinking these fuckers came with super-man capes and what not. My mom had been holding them for me and the other lady at work who participated. For like weeks. I'm prompt that way.
I remembered my mom has a surplus of ... pretty much everything. but namely little gift bags. I asked if I could get at some, knowing I was going to anyhow. Anyone else ever feel that way when you walk into the house formerly yours... it's all fair game? I've been caught with a HUH look often. "But but... it's mine?"
She's said I could have the bags.
She smokes in the garage now, I blink on that but later for it, she went inside to get the pretzel dog bounty. In that time I had climbed her ... guessing 50 grand car ..... and was dangling, legs wrapped around a rafter, my hand reaching out like the starved, for the box of tiny bags that were just out of my reach. You have to imagine the sight of someone grappling with fingers curling and veins pumping for something out of stretch by an inch. I meant to include I was in a long skirt. This was indeed a typical, yet sad, DM sighting.
My mother comes back out with the pretzel dogs, takes one look at me up there, sets them down and lights a smoke with an expression of remote interest.
"Whatcha done there?"
While she knew well that I climbed something I could not UN-climb, she didn't know I just used her car to do it. She doesn't ask HOW I do t he shit I do, it's useless, just looks on and wonders what she gave birth to.
She enjoyed her smoke while watching me straddle the beam, cocking her head with curiousity. I was all collected, as though I'd planned it all out that way, we had a conversation. But let's not play that mothers' don't know when a kid is bullshitting. She knew I was stuck.
I've been asked if she was worried.... No, no she wasn't. she'd call 911 had I fell, but worry about some bullshit I've pulled? Lol absolutely not. She has met me, so no. After finishing a smoke She did bring over a latter, raise a brow and ask if I'd found the bags. I couldn't be more of my mothers daughter. If I saw some dangling broad in my rafter I might enjoy a full smoke too while I watched. Or it's simply fun to enjoy the preview of the dumb shit I do. All I can say is I really wanted those god damned bags.
I am my mother in every way, but times ten. scary. Holidays make you think, and every time I think of my mother I just grin and wish she would have let loose so much more.... although I suspect she did before we were old enough to see her settle down. Never settle down my readers, never. Be wild and play every day of your life!!!
More soon, we shoot the Morgan Family Photo tomorrow. I've warned them all and I've never seen a house scatter so fast. Just a photo, lighten up people or no laundry or food. Ever. Tomorrow is Sunday Breakfast..... I'll get my way.
- This video is for you Mama, I am just like you and proud to be. I know you worked so hard for us, but you did find time, and you are my favorite person ever. Never seen a bigger cheerleader for children than you were for us, I hate that you had to struggle so much to get us to the lives we have. It's not unaapreciated (even though you don't read this website), I love you so so much, and admire your strength. Your girls imherited it too, in our ways... if nothing else be proud for that. Look at us, one is artistic to a fault and the other is all about her family and children. You did good. More than good, and I love you. I think of you everytime I hear this song, but as older... I embrace the "My boy is just like me" lyric." That is a compliment. I look at the pictures I take, the things I've done and I have to credit you for letting me be me, you never once curbed a single thing we did to form ourselves. For a moment, all readers ... my mother made this possible, and by a fun fun breach birth let you all read what I write. a little biting, but life is what it is, I really am fond of being a little mom, even if it's cold, defensive, and otherwise, it what she knows and how she raised two children alone. SO... Let's us sing.
How sweet! I really love this post. Sounds like you and your Mom really are a lot alike. I also like the idea of you just not even thinking twice about climbing on top of someone's car and getting in the rafters to get what you want. You crack me up!!!
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