Two faces of Eve
Looks funny right? Scroll on, very intended, it'll make sense in a minute. One just has to .... hm, word... see it from one view or another.
I started this piece a while ago when I couldn't decide if I was pissed, or sad and looking for a hug. It came to me that I am both, that I need both. There are days when I am so fiercely angry at the fate I have been dealt, then days where I am just happy to be alive and grateful for every kindness I am given and the people I'm lucky to know, and things I get to learn. Your Zoo master is not above losing her mind, hidden from Mr. Morgan because he doesn't need that shit. It's fairly laughable to think of me throwing a level 10 fit silently. My co-workers will laugh at that visual, they've seen it. Much hopping, stomping and arms flailing all over but... as if in a silent movie.
Which way to feel on which day. I've strived lately to not complain about things that can't or aren't being medically helped. It doesn't mean I don't come home to cry and ponder the extremities of what I'm blowing off. Ignorance is bliss. So here we are, some days I am furious, and some days... I just need comfort.
Just takes a slice of paper to decide which.....
Mood is there.
The piece is not finished. The thing actually bothers me, but it's like a magnet I can't walk away from. I tilt my head at it a lot. I'm not depressed, things get to any of us sometimes, I'm too thinky and this is what came of it. In fact I marched into Mr. Morgan's room after taking these photos to ask "Do you know how madly talented I am?" Which I meant on every artistic, drawing/camera/stunts for fun/ level. He said "Fo Sho!" Man of few words this one of mine.
Enough for now. I don't mind comments.

Which way to feel on which day. I've strived lately to not complain about things that can't or aren't being medically helped. It doesn't mean I don't come home to cry and ponder the extremities of what I'm blowing off. Ignorance is bliss. So here we are, some days I am furious, and some days... I just need comfort.

Enough for now. I don't mind comments.
Firstly, you have a wonderful talent and I'm quite jealous. I'm waiting for the time when stick figures are appreciated as a true art form.
Secondly, I like the completely different emotions from either side. Very cool concept. Kind of like that famous drawing of the old woman/young woman. Very beautiful.
/blushes. Come over some time, I insist and always will that ANYONE can draw, just have to look at it for a minute in a different way. I've long planned an artist outing at my office, but timing never worked and now it's ass cold and fuck all that. Get my ex-wife to throw that sexy party (or was that you? hm!) and we'll doodle on the nudie pads for practice. /fun fun. -DM
i think it is gorgeous. i know i have seen your studio and i say that about everything, but i really do see the talent. and this one blows me away. i am astonished at the depth of emotion that this portrays.
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