Saddle up
I saw a new doctor, kind of.... on Monday. I was hopeful! Didn't go well and they didn't hit it off with me.
Staff was lovely, the PA was not and was a bit grilling. I'm not going to note everything that put me off but one was:
"You weigh 102..... do you not eat?"
Just fucking ask if I have an eating disorder. Don't be like that. I can quickly answer that no, I do not, I'm thin with a thyroid fuck up and I eat until full, bringing me to being a bit thin.... I AM aware of it.
I'm touchy about my weight because I know I'd be happier at about 110, but I'm taking my vitamins, and eating after six pm (which not doing is the fastest way to cut your weight). Having worked in medicine I would have said "Have you noticed dramatic weight loss?" But no.... I just don't eat. Okay.
And I paid 40 dollars for that.
They called today to schedule a thyroid ultrasound and I appalud myself at not bullshitting. I said I wasn't happy with how it went and didn't want that next step. Also mentioning my thyroid is not of concern, my hands and RA are. Later for thyroid.
They had by then hooked me up, naked to a EKG... for what? Well my pulse was high. Duh, I'm in a doctor's office and I'm a fucking hypochondriac. This was of course after the eyes lit up for "do you have insurance?"
It was completely unnecessary. Nice to have I guess, but a complete waste of cash, because guess what it said? OMG your pulse is fast. Fucks sake.
All I have lately. Miss Nev, I'll post last's years St. Pats..... I didnt wear it this year after and I'm glad for the embarrassment the doc appt. did to me. It's been year or more since Dunlap did the same, I bucked up and hoped for better. I'm fine dying a cripple.
Staff was lovely, the PA was not and was a bit grilling. I'm not going to note everything that put me off but one was:
"You weigh 102..... do you not eat?"
Just fucking ask if I have an eating disorder. Don't be like that. I can quickly answer that no, I do not, I'm thin with a thyroid fuck up and I eat until full, bringing me to being a bit thin.... I AM aware of it.
I'm touchy about my weight because I know I'd be happier at about 110, but I'm taking my vitamins, and eating after six pm (which not doing is the fastest way to cut your weight). Having worked in medicine I would have said "Have you noticed dramatic weight loss?" But no.... I just don't eat. Okay.
And I paid 40 dollars for that.
They called today to schedule a thyroid ultrasound and I appalud myself at not bullshitting. I said I wasn't happy with how it went and didn't want that next step. Also mentioning my thyroid is not of concern, my hands and RA are. Later for thyroid.
They had by then hooked me up, naked to a EKG... for what? Well my pulse was high. Duh, I'm in a doctor's office and I'm a fucking hypochondriac. This was of course after the eyes lit up for "do you have insurance?"
It was completely unnecessary. Nice to have I guess, but a complete waste of cash, because guess what it said? OMG your pulse is fast. Fucks sake.
All I have lately. Miss Nev, I'll post last's years St. Pats..... I didnt wear it this year after and I'm glad for the embarrassment the doc appt. did to me. It's been year or more since Dunlap did the same, I bucked up and hoped for better. I'm fine dying a cripple.
Sorry about your Dr. woes. It's just one of the reasons I simply don't go. Take care!
you don't go either, MissNev? Makes me feel better about my not going. They make me crazy.
DM, we on the other end of the weight spectrum feel your pain. A friend of mine finally stopped getting on the scales at the doctor. she firmly advised them that it was clear upon looking at her that she had weight issues, and knowing the exact number of her weight served no medical purpose, and stressed her out inordinately.
I thought that was beautiful, but I'm not that ballsy. And I don't go anymore.
I go only to the Gyno annually, and to the dentist almost that often. Eye doctor every couple of years. Other than that, for everyday ailments, I consult my shaaman, voodoo priestess, or holy healer.
I love you girls. Deeply.
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