Loving Advertising Bliss
Have you ever bought a product that bodly lied to you? Said things that were so uncontrollably forcing themselves into your cart whether you required them or not? Of course, we all have sauntered home with a ridiculous item.
"Cat litter?"
"We don't own a cat."
My list runs deep and I spend a lot of time looking at things that are brought into the house. Keep in mind I don't do the shopping here. I send Mr. Morgan off with a list that he has to cleverly decipher. Crpytic items such as "fruit, pick one" or below "bowl fixit"
He's gotten pretty good at understanding what I mean when I say shit that makes perfect sense to me. Any other person would have come home with caulk and a new toilet seat. He came home with a bottle of holy that had it's own theme song coming out of the bag. It's neck properly suited for an easy disperal, and eagerness to relieve all my toilet ring anxieties. Right, I'm deeply invested into how my toilet looks. All the same, I asked for it.
I then noticed, because as mentioned I read things.... probably while ON the toilet, and this product kills the flu virus. Gimme a minute here to not burst into.... ok yeah just gimme a minute.

Am I in danger of catching the flu from my toilet? Is influenza rampant in the deep swirls of my bowl? If it is, short of a Saturday night gone poorly, should my face be close enough that I think I'm taking a risk? I'm extremely entertained that it's a selling point for a toilet cleaner. It's as if they are predicting our faces to be in ground zero and needing extra protection. Far as I know, I've not once contracted the flu through my ass.... so I think that angle of selling is very funny.
So I went nuts. If it's such a good product (and honestly.... it is) I doused my entire shower with it to work it's anti-flu magic. One never can be too safe. The shower was slightly offended to be compared to a toilet, but did it want a good bath or not? I almost even bathed the dogs in the shit, aiming it like a sidearm with a powerfull squirt and GOTCHA!, it's that good at de-filthing everything Morgan.
Product approval.
- DM
"Cat litter?"
"We don't own a cat."
My list runs deep and I spend a lot of time looking at things that are brought into the house. Keep in mind I don't do the shopping here. I send Mr. Morgan off with a list that he has to cleverly decipher. Crpytic items such as "fruit, pick one" or below "bowl fixit"
He's gotten pretty good at understanding what I mean when I say shit that makes perfect sense to me. Any other person would have come home with caulk and a new toilet seat. He came home with a bottle of holy that had it's own theme song coming out of the bag. It's neck properly suited for an easy disperal, and eagerness to relieve all my toilet ring anxieties. Right, I'm deeply invested into how my toilet looks. All the same, I asked for it.
I then noticed, because as mentioned I read things.... probably while ON the toilet, and this product kills the flu virus. Gimme a minute here to not burst into.... ok yeah just gimme a minute.

Am I in danger of catching the flu from my toilet? Is influenza rampant in the deep swirls of my bowl? If it is, short of a Saturday night gone poorly, should my face be close enough that I think I'm taking a risk? I'm extremely entertained that it's a selling point for a toilet cleaner. It's as if they are predicting our faces to be in ground zero and needing extra protection. Far as I know, I've not once contracted the flu through my ass.... so I think that angle of selling is very funny.
So I went nuts. If it's such a good product (and honestly.... it is) I doused my entire shower with it to work it's anti-flu magic. One never can be too safe. The shower was slightly offended to be compared to a toilet, but did it want a good bath or not? I almost even bathed the dogs in the shit, aiming it like a sidearm with a powerfull squirt and GOTCHA!, it's that good at de-filthing everything Morgan.
Product approval.
- DM
Maybe they mean the poopy kind of flu? Or you have the puke flu and then puke gets on the seat all full of the flu virus but not so fast! You're going to clean that flu-filled puke off the seat with some anti-flu toilet cleaner!
HA! I knew where this was going when you mentioned it got rid of flu germs!
yeah I dont often stick my head into the toilet, and rarely do I wash my dishes in it.
I think only the bowl cleaner uppers would get close enough to catch flu, but in most cases they are also the bowl cleaner buyers, so it might be a good selling point.
LMAO that you cleaned the shower with it too, but it makes sense to me!
Waste not want not baby! You aer totally not surprised, we've met :)
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