Not Ready.
Can't make me. We are packing, willingly, but it's been a crazy painful mind-bending sort of retardation that I can easily make sense of. if you think how I do about walking away from stuff. My stuff is my history, and why I need to keep it around for a rehash, I don't know, I just know it's mine and I've toted it for long enough that it will offend us both to part ways. It's like telling the stuff that it's going to be good enough for a new home. Do I personify items? Every damn day.
We haven't purchased the new home yet, but we meet with the real estate agent tomorrow. I like her, even if she is rocking a crazy porn star name. Shit maybe I shouldn't say even, it might have been the subliminal woot of why I liked her to begin with. I thought she was clever enough to hopefully handle our money but we are just in the courting phase of house ass sniffing. As first time home buyers we need to remember that WE hold the cards and not be overzealous, another very hard task for both of us. We like shit said and done within in the time it takes to watch a Lord of the Rings flick.
So in this we've dumped the stuffs. I seriously moved 10 full size black garbage bags out of my studio alone. Watch for me on the A&E channel under Hoarders. I am so fucking ashamed yet circling the bags wondering in I need something back, so it really should go sooner than later. That mentioned, here is where I am. Painting over my shit. To my step mother in law, calling my work "doodles" forever not cool and I stand by that. Artists get nutty and have even cut off their ears (one of them at least), really want to bullshit about something being a "doodle" ?? Insulting on a level where you want to pat that persons' head for having absolutely no artistic intelligence. You don't have to love something to realize that it's .... awesome for the sake of just being something you'd never seen.
I am impossible about painting over my shit. I've packed the paper works. There are a lot of hand gestures and pacing going on when most would say to just suck it and paint up. I can think of only one person who would know exactly why this is upsetting - other than I did it once and it sucked then. Art is such a crazy time piece, captured. Poetic to be erased.... but it's a story I tell in every stroke of my brush, pen or word. I can look at my walls and recall the inspiration and the emotion that formed it. Listen below: then a treat. Little nugget I never forgot, go Toad.
Here's what I'm wiping over. Yes, I'm caught singing to Hook... it's a fav and I can do it if I don't get winded from excitement.
Great. So did you all know I once painted? I did, might again eventually depending on my hands. I took a few shitty tries photographing a large piece, but yes I paint and that is acrylic, not oil. It sets in about five minutes so it isn't a "sit and contemplate" medium." Just something I found while moving shit out today.

- DM
We haven't purchased the new home yet, but we meet with the real estate agent tomorrow. I like her, even if she is rocking a crazy porn star name. Shit maybe I shouldn't say even, it might have been the subliminal woot of why I liked her to begin with. I thought she was clever enough to hopefully handle our money but we are just in the courting phase of house ass sniffing. As first time home buyers we need to remember that WE hold the cards and not be overzealous, another very hard task for both of us. We like shit said and done within in the time it takes to watch a Lord of the Rings flick.
So in this we've dumped the stuffs. I seriously moved 10 full size black garbage bags out of my studio alone. Watch for me on the A&E channel under Hoarders. I am so fucking ashamed yet circling the bags wondering in I need something back, so it really should go sooner than later. That mentioned, here is where I am. Painting over my shit. To my step mother in law, calling my work "doodles" forever not cool and I stand by that. Artists get nutty and have even cut off their ears (one of them at least), really want to bullshit about something being a "doodle" ?? Insulting on a level where you want to pat that persons' head for having absolutely no artistic intelligence. You don't have to love something to realize that it's .... awesome for the sake of just being something you'd never seen.
I am impossible about painting over my shit. I've packed the paper works. There are a lot of hand gestures and pacing going on when most would say to just suck it and paint up. I can think of only one person who would know exactly why this is upsetting - other than I did it once and it sucked then. Art is such a crazy time piece, captured. Poetic to be erased.... but it's a story I tell in every stroke of my brush, pen or word. I can look at my walls and recall the inspiration and the emotion that formed it. Listen below: then a treat. Little nugget I never forgot, go Toad.
Here's what I'm wiping over. Yes, I'm caught singing to Hook... it's a fav and I can do it if I don't get winded from excitement.
Great. So did you all know I once painted? I did, might again eventually depending on my hands. I took a few shitty tries photographing a large piece, but yes I paint and that is acrylic, not oil. It sets in about five minutes so it isn't a "sit and contemplate" medium." Just something I found while moving shit out today.

- DM
That was sad that you will be saying goodbye to your studio. I guess you will have to start over. :(
Yeah, Mr. Morgan said I can "perma-doodle" in our new home. Forever making something ugly into something reasonable that man.
wow, you'd done lots since I've last been in there. And I knew you painted, but never saw any work. very nice. I dabbled in water colors as gifts to people (who tossed them in nearest cubbard, but I thought they were nice). I have one solitary acrylic, but I'm proud of it. I need lessons...or to actually sit down and practice at the least.
Have fun with the blank walls in your new home.
You know, I once had a hidden message painted over my sliding door - hyrolglyphs that only I knew what they meant. Also had a spastic hand (TM, lol) on my wall. I hated painting over them when I moved.
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