Friday, February 07, 2014


So the DMV has decided I need to make an appearance to renew my license.  I resent this in the way every driver.../my age.... does.  They demand a pubic display of failing eyesight and or otherwise fucking quota horse and pony show to waste my time and make me sit in a queue.  In a normal situation, if I'm made to wait exponentially - (and I'm not a jerk to think I'm the only person waiting my turn in a retail environment - and the DMV is that, it's just fucking government level version of retail), I mind my own business and bring a book.  In a sea of gadgets, if I am going to be dragged in for a vision test, I am going to 100% look the fucking vintage part.

That said, while I am not one to act out - on an extended delay I can be that person who agitates the tribe of the waiting impatient.  If I so much as hear "Can you believe this?  ONE counter?" I pounce as though holy gates have parted before my eyes.  "I know right!?!?" 

Okay, I'm just thinking that scenario.... I've never once in my life done such a thing, but I've mentally applauded the pain in the ass who does if for no other reason that to upset already agitated line.  I do this from many, many seats away.... verbal crazy is awesome, but not up close or too far from the emergency exit. 

Speaking of glasses - Delilah ate every pair of glasses I brought home.  Wire.  Part goat that one.  I also knew a liver dalmation, Cookie.  Smoker.... stole every pack she could get her lips on - crazy persnickity and high strung, go figure.



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