Saturday, November 25, 2006


Ok fine. I admit it. I could not stop myself from the Present Box. I knew where it was but it takes climbing a good tall chair to reach it and what other reason, if caught, would I have to be lurking in his room with a chair and a guilty expression.

If you subcribe to my theory of time, well I am perfectly in reasonable range to be opening one. Additionally, one was for New Year's, and I don't celebrate that so waiting would be a waste. In conclusion, I am therefore allowed two today.

Rules are so wasted on me. I didn't sign a contract about these presents and frankly, I am pretty certain the sender knew I was not going to be able to adhere to them. I am physically unable to stop myself if I know there are presents in the house.

I am still down with a cold, but rented up some good (I hope) films to pass the time. I have the new Omen, but never saw the old one, and one part of some Stephen King short story books made into a movie. Also rented Monster House. It was slim pickings today, but those should get me by and distract me from being convinced my appendix is slowly trying to betray me and explode, oozing deadly goop into my abdomen.

So.... what IS this thing?

I dont really know. If you look at the package, it shows a couple of kids wearing the rubbery beast on their heads. The text calls it a "Hot Spikes SUPER MONDO Hydro Flex Inside out Stretch Ball." So obviously, the people who named it didn't even know what the fuck it was and last minute gave it a calling. I tried the hat angle.

I did try to look enthusiastic, but the thing is like a god damned vice hoping to squeeze out your brains, steal it and begin a tentacle nation. I'll find a use for it. Happy ... damn vacation will fuck you up, Saturday? Give fond wishes that my appendix is quite happy where it is.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think your appendix is staying where it is my dear. The head gear needs to go,lol. I so don't know what that thing is about but I would love to know when you do find out. Looks like a sea monster.:-)

12:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, the presents were supposed to be from Dec 1 - 31st (and one for new years) so technically you didn't have 2 extra even tho you don't celebrate New Years as it's not even December yet!! =D

Couldn't resist throwing that in there, ha! I dig the octopi!! The scarf with it is a nice accessory.

1:31 PM  
Blogger DMorgan's Zoo said...

Lol that my saffy dear is why DM's don't subscribe to technical shit. The scarf was actually a gift trade off one of my hypochondriacs boards one year. It was hand made and Mr. Morgan calls it a dead rat. I rather think it's cool.

3:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The squid thing is a hat. And it looks silly on you.

7:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While on vacation in the desert this year, I saw a woman (I think) who was wearing two of those octopus pasties. Perhaps you'll get another??

10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MissNev beat me to the punch. I was with her in the desert, and the woman wearing those as pasties looked just fabulous. I'm hoping there's another in there...especially since I am often Ms Morgan's photographer.

12:25 PM  

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