Puff the Magic Dragon...
Nice weekend. Mr. Morgan and I walked down to the newly opened Chili's for some odd food.
I came home and bee-lined for my email like normal and see one from my mom saying "nice letter in the paper today!"
I thought no shit? I didn't even have to think which one it was, although I write many letters - from praise to bitch to "just so you know", no I knew this one was an editorial about smoking I'd replied to. I won't lie and say that every time I see my shit published in the paper I don't go into seizure-like freak outs until Mr. Morgan goes to get me two printed copies. Two. He went, grumbling, but I wager he finds some sort of respect and curiousity that I speak out without telling him and lead my own little crusades. He is not obligated to follow what I think, and the issue I posted on I am fiercely passionate about.
I regretfully do not have the initial article. I would never claim to quote the woman, nor will I twist her words. She said she is a lung patient and upon leaving the hospital, smokers were outside, puffing into her face. She wanted legislation to direct- she actually said DEMAND -all smokers to sidewalks. (gulping on my opinions). Below was my response... in PRINT !!!! eeeeee! (Note I did NOT title this piece, the editor did).

Sorry on pics.... my battery coughed and said it had enough for the time being.
I am sorry she has a faulty lung issue. Suck it like I am on my liver and other problems. Smokers, as I have said ... know we smell to those who don't but seriously.... chill the fuck out. Grand scheme of things, smoking isn't the worst shit to worry about on any given day to the extent one needs to write to the senate hoping to send us to the fucking sidewalk. What's next, the sewers? They did misprint my words on the do not demand we not stand outside" The NOT was an error on their part. End note, most smokers are polite, so sack the fuck off and stop making us feel like we are being dirty. New video dedications to come soon, my pc is having a case of thinking it's funny. Here's to next week gang.
I came home and bee-lined for my email like normal and see one from my mom saying "nice letter in the paper today!"
I thought no shit? I didn't even have to think which one it was, although I write many letters - from praise to bitch to "just so you know", no I knew this one was an editorial about smoking I'd replied to. I won't lie and say that every time I see my shit published in the paper I don't go into seizure-like freak outs until Mr. Morgan goes to get me two printed copies. Two. He went, grumbling, but I wager he finds some sort of respect and curiousity that I speak out without telling him and lead my own little crusades. He is not obligated to follow what I think, and the issue I posted on I am fiercely passionate about.
I regretfully do not have the initial article. I would never claim to quote the woman, nor will I twist her words. She said she is a lung patient and upon leaving the hospital, smokers were outside, puffing into her face. She wanted legislation to direct- she actually said DEMAND -all smokers to sidewalks. (gulping on my opinions). Below was my response... in PRINT !!!! eeeeee! (Note I did NOT title this piece, the editor did).

Sorry on pics.... my battery coughed and said it had enough for the time being.
I am sorry she has a faulty lung issue. Suck it like I am on my liver and other problems. Smokers, as I have said ... know we smell to those who don't but seriously.... chill the fuck out. Grand scheme of things, smoking isn't the worst shit to worry about on any given day to the extent one needs to write to the senate hoping to send us to the fucking sidewalk. What's next, the sewers? They did misprint my words on the do not demand we not stand outside" The NOT was an error on their part. End note, most smokers are polite, so sack the fuck off and stop making us feel like we are being dirty. New video dedications to come soon, my pc is having a case of thinking it's funny. Here's to next week gang.
Very nice! I feel the same way... I too am a smoker and do NOT blow my smoke at non-smokers. I blow my smoke at Mr. Moon, to which he finds offense, but he is a smoker too, so he can just get over it.
Thank you for the inspiration to write a letter. As was witnessed last week, it sure does go a lot further than a swift hand gesture of "Fuck You!"
Damn the Man. All of these loudly vocal nitwits are damn lucky that their elitist self righteousouness doesn't require them to hoof it outdoors. It is a lot more unhealthy to me than second hand smoke. Good job!
As in the infamous and brilliant words of Penn and Teller...
I am a non-smoker and I find it offensive that smokers are not treated like human beings! Penn & Teller did an episode of their show, Bullshit, on second hand smoke and actually there is no real evidence at all that it causes anything other than stinkiness!
Do I want to be pent-up in a room full of smokers? No, because I find it stinky as do most people that don't smoke. Which really if you think about it, illness seems to just be an excuse non-smokers use to ban something that they don't like because it smells!
I really wish people would lighten up!
Great job, DM!
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