Ancient, thoughtful
Sitting here spinning records, and while my system my rocks the shit out of everything, there is a time when you bust out the Fisher-Price record player and vintage albums, remembering what it's like to have a song skip without throwing a big ass fit, it was expected to do so.
Having gone spoiled, I asked for a record player last Christmas to remind myself not just of patience, but of the nostalgia of those who know nothing about spinning records being THE source of tunes in the day. The crick crack of a winding into my earbones, the static filled turning of the record. I enjoy it very much.
I've got some Seger smacking, some Abbey Road, little Black Sabbath.... name it and I likely stole it from my mother. I have some vintage Zep records that are just stunning to look at, but you might have to be old to appreciate them. I always thought them extremely cool and get a very weird look of ... why? on my face if anyone wants to get touchy on them. Mine mine there is no touching!
My Mom and I are on the mends, I made the first step of stopping the asshole parade we'd been pursuing for a while and although sucking an apology hurts my ego, missing your bestest friend hurts more, even if she is wrong. Pride takes a side step and says ok, shit, whatever. Then it calls you a pussy and you have every legal right to shake your fist and call it a facist cocksucker. (learning new words readilly courtesy of Deadwood).
I finally found my god damned 2007 costume and I welcome the departure of unsettled and free floating anxiety which I never know how to address properly. The hat I chose is way better than pictured below because who wants shit in their face? I'd be a shitty mourner if I had to wear lace over my face. I spent the entire Kitty on it, plus 98 cents which is being waited on by Mr Morgan.

Nothing much else for today. Delilah needs to see the vet for a couple of lumps I found yesterday, but it seems all the humans in this house live in denial she getting old and has potential to get lumpy. No lumps allowed and she wags a happy tail to reassure us that she is just fine. I am not sure how I would handle a bad Delilah, she is .... yeah, we all know how I'll handle it, bullshitting is pointless.
Cheers to Friday, below song always been quite close to my heart and older I get, the more it becomes. Take a moment to remember it.
Having gone spoiled, I asked for a record player last Christmas to remind myself not just of patience, but of the nostalgia of those who know nothing about spinning records being THE source of tunes in the day. The crick crack of a winding into my earbones, the static filled turning of the record. I enjoy it very much.
I've got some Seger smacking, some Abbey Road, little Black Sabbath.... name it and I likely stole it from my mother. I have some vintage Zep records that are just stunning to look at, but you might have to be old to appreciate them. I always thought them extremely cool and get a very weird look of ... why? on my face if anyone wants to get touchy on them. Mine mine there is no touching!
My Mom and I are on the mends, I made the first step of stopping the asshole parade we'd been pursuing for a while and although sucking an apology hurts my ego, missing your bestest friend hurts more, even if she is wrong. Pride takes a side step and says ok, shit, whatever. Then it calls you a pussy and you have every legal right to shake your fist and call it a facist cocksucker. (learning new words readilly courtesy of Deadwood).
I finally found my god damned 2007 costume and I welcome the departure of unsettled and free floating anxiety which I never know how to address properly. The hat I chose is way better than pictured below because who wants shit in their face? I'd be a shitty mourner if I had to wear lace over my face. I spent the entire Kitty on it, plus 98 cents which is being waited on by Mr Morgan.

Nothing much else for today. Delilah needs to see the vet for a couple of lumps I found yesterday, but it seems all the humans in this house live in denial she getting old and has potential to get lumpy. No lumps allowed and she wags a happy tail to reassure us that she is just fine. I am not sure how I would handle a bad Delilah, she is .... yeah, we all know how I'll handle it, bullshitting is pointless.
Cheers to Friday, below song always been quite close to my heart and older I get, the more it becomes. Take a moment to remember it.
That costume is going to be awesome!!!!!!!!!!
Cool costume!...what will you say you are for Halloween???
Hope all is well with you dog.
What a great costume! I love the old Bob Seger. I always imagined I'd be all blissfully involved in a forever-term relationship with someone who looks like this. This used to be my ideal paragon of male virtue. My ideal has since changed, but I still like the look.
I believe Master of Ceremonies.
Come into my zoo little children!
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