Hit it.
I am all about Charlie and wore my recently purchased shirt from the site with much pride. Bloggers are thick as thieves, in their own weird little ways. Careful, we might take over the world. But then hell, what would we do with it now that it's fucking wrecked?

Sally Kern is .... something of a bother to me. I'm aware of our current administration, but her choice of words, being AGENDA very bothers me.
"I was speaking to a group of Republicans; grassroots Republicans," Kern explained of the original speech, which gained worldwide attention after posted on the Internet by the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund, "and I was talking about the homosexual agenda, and how they are out there putting forth--funding very heavily--homosexual and pro-homosexual candidates to run against, and defeat, conservatives across the nation.
"I did talk about what I believe...scientific evidence, health evidence...proves that the homosexual lifestyle is a dangerous lifestyle. And, yes, I did compare it to being more dangerous than terrorism. And my point in doing that, gentlemen, was this: Everybody knows terrorism destroys and tears down, and that was the only analogy I was making is that the homosexual agenda, this lifestyle which is so destructive to individuals, is at the heart trying to tear down what is the bedrock foundation of our society, which is the family and traditional marriage."
They have an agenda? No shit? Why wasn't I solicited? Right I like penis, so I'm ok to her. I still want my flyer and sign up form. Fuck you Sally. The "foundation of our society" is that we as people change society, and that's what SOCIETY is. Hi? Bring your closed minded ass out west, I'd be happy to hand it you. Mind your own fucking bed.If you missed it, Ellen G called her office.... shock no answer. Go Ellen! Love that woman. Let's all go to sleep "traditional" and not have agendas. Dick.
Sadly, there IS a homosexual agenda:
The Homosexual Agenda
6:00 am Gym
8:00 am Breakfast (oatmeal, egg whites and mimosas)
9:00 am Hair appointment
10:00 am Shopping (preferably at Nordstrom’s or Saks)
12:00 pm Brunch
2:00 pm
1) Assume complete control of the U.S. Federal, state, and local governments, as well as all other forms of world government;
2) Destroy all healthy marriages;
3) Replace all school counselors in grades K-12 with agents from Colombian and Jamaican drug cartels;
4) Bulldoze all houses of worship;
5) secure total control of the INTERNET and all mass media;
6) be fabulous;
2:30 pm Mud mask and forty winks of beauty rest to prevent facial wrinkles from the stress of world conquest
4:00 pm Cocktails
6:00 pm Light Dinner (soup, salad with romaine, radicchio, arugula, and balsamic vinaigrette dressing, and Pouilly Fuisse)
8:00 pm Theater
10:30 pm “Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight!”
In all serious though, Kern's a bitch and her son is in all likelihood a homosexual, though he has denied it (saying he's merely celibate). I've had enough of hate.
I have a homosexual agenda...I go and hang out with my gay boyfriend!
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