Don't ask don't Buy
I am a sample whore. A happy one. For as much as I'm ripped off elsewhere I will take any freebie I can get my slippery palms on. At times the mail box key gets a bit shakey in my hands thinking something without strings and a balance number would be in that box.
I sent off for the new crest teeth strips. Just a one timer sample and we all know I not only smoke but I adore green tea and very rarely coffee. Both black. Not to offend, we all have our own shit but to me.... if you don't like it natural you'd faint at me naked and not airbrushed. That's kinda the comparison I make there. Ya like it how it lives or don't.
So I get this weird shit and the first thing I'm not seeing is HOW LONG to leave it on. Number is disconected. Good start. Just got better and shown by exhibits:
Exhibit A: I have to wash my hands but I was ok to put this fucking shit inside my mouth????? Ok so I wash my hands but what if I came into a situation where I needed to bite someone? I need answers.
Exhibit B: It cant even touch clothing? Again but totally okay to go in my mouth. Also store it in a cool place.... my mouth is not cool. It's not chill and it is far from crisp. I don't get it.
Anyone else see my potential disturbance.... I say as I walk around with this fucking thing in my mouth hoping to god for a lawsuit because damn if I am not broke. Not sure who I can file with since they seem to already know the product is shit central and cancelled their 800 number, but lol it was an idea. They are probably happy they didn't take my questioney call.
This strip is .. decent. I've used many because of my bad habits, and this is by far the thinest of them all, and without question the most bitchy. It did not want to leave. It wanted to suction itself like drying concrete long enough to eat what is left of my enamel to the pulp then attack the dog. It took a fork to remove it. I will say in contrast to other kits.... no drooling. Look at all the shit you can do!
Use the phone all you want, but no one is answering chump, I said as I whistled.
Also of note since I seem way gross, my feet:
I think my feet are fine. Do I know I have long toe bones? Well duh. I know the second toe is practically the length of a toddlers' index finger, but that doesn't mean I can scale a tree like some shit out of Twilight. Not like I'm going to climb a tree with them, they are groomed, stringy, a little but so am I. I almost painted the nails before this photo, but.... why for? Take a wide sniff of naked DM feets. I only mention this because a former co-worker recoiled from them and said OMG your toes are really overly long. I took a mellow peek. Skinny sure, but freakish? Bit of a stretch - (love me some puns!). Can't even hardly notice bonetoe anymore huh? We had a talk. Veiny bruisey look to the right one is because Mister can't walk and the wound stuck. Years ago. To his credit it was a solid trounce, but not on purpose and yes I howled. Shit I still complain about it, he likes that and all.
I sent off for the new crest teeth strips. Just a one timer sample and we all know I not only smoke but I adore green tea and very rarely coffee. Both black. Not to offend, we all have our own shit but to me.... if you don't like it natural you'd faint at me naked and not airbrushed. That's kinda the comparison I make there. Ya like it how it lives or don't.
So I get this weird shit and the first thing I'm not seeing is HOW LONG to leave it on. Number is disconected. Good start. Just got better and shown by exhibits:
Exhibit A: I have to wash my hands but I was ok to put this fucking shit inside my mouth????? Ok so I wash my hands but what if I came into a situation where I needed to bite someone? I need answers.
Exhibit B: It cant even touch clothing? Again but totally okay to go in my mouth. Also store it in a cool place.... my mouth is not cool. It's not chill and it is far from crisp. I don't get it.

This strip is .. decent. I've used many because of my bad habits, and this is by far the thinest of them all, and without question the most bitchy. It did not want to leave. It wanted to suction itself like drying concrete long enough to eat what is left of my enamel to the pulp then attack the dog. It took a fork to remove it. I will say in contrast to other kits.... no drooling. Look at all the shit you can do!

Also of note since I seem way gross, my feet:

Speaking of freebies, KFC is giving away free grilled chicken today. One piece per person!
i like me some freebies too!!!! im also not too sure about those strip thingys for your teeth!!! your toes are NOT too long!!! you should see mine along with the rest of my families except britt's!!! talk about fingers for toes, lol!!!!
So, did they whiten? Hope so. Did you try to whistle? I don't know how one could refrain from whistling after reading that.
I share you're freakish toes; I used to be able to pick up quarters flat off the ground with my toes. I should have charged money now that I think of it, but I didn't know they were freakish; I thought they were cool. lol. I'm guessing the cowork was a bee? buzzzzzzzzzzz
No it was a Moon.
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