Let's go out!
This likely should be on Kylee's blog, but tonight I am sunburned and don't care where it goes, as long as the damned thing goes. When very white people get the bite from the sun, rationality becomes a fable, a myth of reasoning if you will that is not going to happen until the inner temperature and the outer tempurature can come some sort of negotiation.
My cure for this battle is to be sitting here in a heavy robe, only half of it worn. The top half is not happening and the bottom half is tightly wound about my waist to stave off chills. It could sound lovely, but trust me that this is NOT the way you want to ever meet someone. Hm, well fair enough.... I personally would want to greet a person in that very way because I'd have questions. My answer were I asked is sadly too simple and already mentioned. Skinny, white and allergic to anything out of my house apparently. Then I'd collect my Latter Day Saints pamphlet and pretend to care. No one else really comes by.
Mr. Morgan alerted me at 9am that he was off early and we would be going to the lake to drown the Brown One. Awesome. Why did it take so long to decide to kill it? She needed killing many months ago and a drowning was just like salt on the table to me, an extra embelishment.
Off we went. We are lucky enough to live here:
If you don't live here... that's ok don't come, we are full up but sure is pretty no? This location is about 10 miles from my house and no I don't live in the sticks, it's just THAT damn rockin' Have to peek close, but the Russian is in fact in tow there.
I implore you to click the below photo. Kylee stretched her labbish water legs and had a ball. Literally. That girl should be in baseball!
Or football. Below she stole a neighbor kids football and made quick waste of it. But cmon.... that is some happy ass waste havings! First the guity "having stole!" face.....
Then the "Im' GLAD I took it, fair is fair!" face.
- DM
ps - I had to note so you would scroll up. Look at that line of doors on the left. Why are there so many? I didn't build the joint but directing my rare guests to the loo is like sending them into bladder turmoil to locate it. Milliointh door to your right. I live in a house on unending doors! It's a bit over kill, or over-doored.
My cure for this battle is to be sitting here in a heavy robe, only half of it worn. The top half is not happening and the bottom half is tightly wound about my waist to stave off chills. It could sound lovely, but trust me that this is NOT the way you want to ever meet someone. Hm, well fair enough.... I personally would want to greet a person in that very way because I'd have questions. My answer were I asked is sadly too simple and already mentioned. Skinny, white and allergic to anything out of my house apparently. Then I'd collect my Latter Day Saints pamphlet and pretend to care. No one else really comes by.
Mr. Morgan alerted me at 9am that he was off early and we would be going to the lake to drown the Brown One. Awesome. Why did it take so long to decide to kill it? She needed killing many months ago and a drowning was just like salt on the table to me, an extra embelishment.
Off we went. We are lucky enough to live here:

I implore you to click the below photo. Kylee stretched her labbish water legs and had a ball. Literally. That girl should be in baseball!

ps - I had to note so you would scroll up. Look at that line of doors on the left. Why are there so many? I didn't build the joint but directing my rare guests to the loo is like sending them into bladder turmoil to locate it. Milliointh door to your right. I live in a house on unending doors! It's a bit over kill, or over-doored.
that is a beautiful picture!!!! i had to look again after i read that simon was there too....i didnt even see him the first time....poor little guy!!!! they all looked like they were having fun in that second pic!!!
oh and the last 2 pics....yep weve been through i dont know how many of those nerf balls!!! if we had the money we spent on them back wed be rolling in the dough!!! our dogs LOVE those!!! lol
AND AGAIN!!!! sorry youre sunburned....we have this stuff like the aloe vera stuff by i think banana boat...its got solarcaine or something like that in it, anyways we keep it in the fridge and use it when we get sunburned....its cold as heck but it does take the sting out of the burn!!!!
I'm thankful it was NOT a nerf football. That crap would have been all over the place like confetti. Children don't even bother coming to ask for anything back. Once it's over the fence or left unattended, poof, consider it gone.
oh...oops....i thought it was a nerf ball..but yeah been through plenty of those too...lol...and DUH if i wouldve looked at the ball closer, it DOES say wilson on it...sorry...i was paying too much attention to your baby. now i feel really dumb, :)
Haha you are far from dumb. I almost missed the dog entirely by noticing how many doors littering my hall. It treats my OCD to a special activity daily, pushing on each one to make sure they are closed. What could happen should one be open? No idea but I'm not taking any chances. :)
You guys got in the water?!?! Must be sub zero still.
I noticed the doors in the shot, lol, and have gone through a couple loo hunting. You do have a freakish amount of doors along there.
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