I'll get you my pretty!
A house landed on Kylee and she stole shoes. Please don't photo scan and miss my diologue, it's worth it, and in these times... doesn't everyone need a bit of a funny person in their world?
Caught and not remotely embarrassed, in fact very resigned to her punishment. I demanded to know where the flying monkeys were hiding out.

Won't tell so waterboarding is our last resort.
She never did tell the location of the monkeys. Instead she played dead and spooned her brother in their doggie way. Both have tongues hanging out like kites and I stopped myself from grabbing the string and try it out before it became a felony. Look at the Russian.... he's prime for flight.
This came. Another sample.
Well shit! What IS better than ears? A face? Possibly an appendix? I think there are many things better than ears. It's incidentally the same dog drawing from Beggin' Strips that I posted before. Let's remember how the product does indeed induce the crazed face:

The "ear" was gone in 20 seconds. I do not recommend this, even with the coupon.
Moving forward.
I got up this morning and went to the Post Office after a short stop at a the store for vices. I left my pay card there, without knowing because I was really consumed by outside construction. Not hot manly yummy construction, just interested in the doings. I left the fucking card and went to mail my very tardy givings. In line I felt someone touch me and I jumped a bit before flinging around to find a lady no less than 95 million. I shit you not the woman said:
"Excuse me Miss, I didn't mean to be fresh."
I had to think about that.
"It's just that..... your tag is hanging out and I really get angry when people let me walk around like that all day."
Do you immediately cuddle her or recoil? I had to consider my inabilty to be touched against my supreme love for the elderly. I fixed my own tag but was not insensitive to her obvious eagerness to be friendly. That.... no matter what age, I rarely walk away from. And, we were in line, escape wasn't really going to happen.
I really had an instant like to her. She was thinky like I get, noticing another woman's hair and complimented it while pissing on it at the same time. The lady's hair was far below her bum and braided. My new friend commented how lovely it it was, then said "bet she can't get a proper comb through it." Hair envy happens.
She went on to my hair and her fingers were drumming on her mail, begging to get "fresh" on MY hair? Shit, please! No one's wants my hair except I guess her. I tol her that her fluffy perm was working out just fine.
To close swiftly... I mailed all my junk to find my card gone and had to drive back to the last store where they were coming out waving it to greet me. My heart slowed down and I embarrassedly returned to pay for my mailings.
Then came the flood. Literally..... next update for that.

The "ear" was gone in 20 seconds. I do not recommend this, even with the coupon.
Moving forward.
I got up this morning and went to the Post Office after a short stop at a the store for vices. I left my pay card there, without knowing because I was really consumed by outside construction. Not hot manly yummy construction, just interested in the doings. I left the fucking card and went to mail my very tardy givings. In line I felt someone touch me and I jumped a bit before flinging around to find a lady no less than 95 million. I shit you not the woman said:
"Excuse me Miss, I didn't mean to be fresh."
I had to think about that.
"It's just that..... your tag is hanging out and I really get angry when people let me walk around like that all day."
Do you immediately cuddle her or recoil? I had to consider my inabilty to be touched against my supreme love for the elderly. I fixed my own tag but was not insensitive to her obvious eagerness to be friendly. That.... no matter what age, I rarely walk away from. And, we were in line, escape wasn't really going to happen.
I really had an instant like to her. She was thinky like I get, noticing another woman's hair and complimented it while pissing on it at the same time. The lady's hair was far below her bum and braided. My new friend commented how lovely it it was, then said "bet she can't get a proper comb through it." Hair envy happens.
She went on to my hair and her fingers were drumming on her mail, begging to get "fresh" on MY hair? Shit, please! No one's wants my hair except I guess her. I tol her that her fluffy perm was working out just fine.
To close swiftly... I mailed all my junk to find my card gone and had to drive back to the last store where they were coming out waving it to greet me. My heart slowed down and I embarrassedly returned to pay for my mailings.
Then came the flood. Literally..... next update for that.
Having run my fingers through your hair, I'm not at all surprised about her desires.
I have what I like to refer to as Janis Joplin hair. God said I'm gonna give you the finest color there is, but I gotta take something away to even things up.
Your hair is fine and soft and shimmery, and we have longed for each others' on more than one occasion.
I miss adventuring with you. You could make an adventure out of a paperclip (and have).
i got mine yesterday!!! it is the cutest!! THANK YOU!!! its up on my fridge!!! i love it!!!!
Woot Pen. It was terrible to not have my card and tell him I would come back. He was extremely, and I mean EXTREMELY skeptical that I was not coming back to pay for all that work. People in line behind me were pissed too when he waved me forward after having gotten the left behind card. Very pissed? It was one hell of a morning to get some treats mailed. /wipes brow.
Thank you J :)
Biscuit does not like those Better Than Ears things. He refuses to have any part of them.
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