Taking one for the team
Well shit.
Unconventional by and large, but I highly take interest in anyone who begins a conversation in that fashion. It implies a intrigue, unless a visible weapon is involved. If that is the circumstance, you'll find yourself parroting right back. "Well shit indeed, this is not fitting to be my fucking day." The latter portion being the upgrade to the former. A supersized "Well shit" if you will.
Luckilly, I'm unarmed so mine is more of the sigh version. I have a lot on my mind, some of it worth mentioning and some only worth a simple "huh?" The supersized verion of a sighed "huh?" is What the fuck, or as my neice says "Fucking hell!" Feel free to pass this knowledge along and apply as necessary. The Morgans are quite dilligent in making sure our children have the proper vocabulary for the Harvard entrance exams.
Mr. Morgan and I were treated by my parents to a Basque eatery this last weekend. I'm still not entirely in the know of what Basque eating means, but I'm guessing it's that you get a bunch of shit. And that's pretty much what I got for a really unfair price. But I was adventurous and tasted things I never should have, and never will again.
There were heads adorned all over the walls, big heads - nothing shy like say.... a deer caught on a bad day. No, there were moose, buffalo, absolutely no timid creatures to dangle over my tray as I ate odd food.
They served me Tongue Soup. Seriously. On purpose. I had not asked for a bowl of giant tongue chunks swimming it what I presumed to be it's own saliva. Who says "oh you just HAVE to try the tongue!" In being a good sport I tried the tongue and the second it hit my own Mr. Morgan couldn't resist chortling a remark about it tasting me back. I did not throw up. Yet.
My pop ordered chops of lamb. Again, on purpose. I really do try not to stare at people with those DM "for real? oh don't do that!" eye bones of mine when food is selected. It's not polite but very hard for me to curtail. It's not a scowl, just .... lol guess you'd have to know me in person because it's very obvious that I'm questioning judgement, rather like "well if that's what you have to do, ok." This is what came:
30 bucks. For that. Sad part is it IS a good eatery (everything is an eatery to me, "fine dining" is not a word I perform), and everyone seemed quite pleased with the dead sheep on a tray delivery. More eyeballing, more blinking. Sip your wine DM. What is fucked up is there was no where to divert my gaze to. Regardless of if I was looking at the sheep tray, or anywhere else, some sort of animal was there and dead, making me want to go outside to smoke in the worst way.
Once more, giving in to not being ..... me...... I tasted it too. That taste test did not go well and I did my very best to discreetly spit it out. Trying not to be rude or ingrateful, but I can't eat those things, much less pay to do so. The dogs however have no problem with it. Filthy little carnivorous savages.
Steal it Wear It, Wednesday Style.
A girl MUST have her hairs did.

Poor Sipod, always suffering the sins of his sister.

- DM
Unconventional by and large, but I highly take interest in anyone who begins a conversation in that fashion. It implies a intrigue, unless a visible weapon is involved. If that is the circumstance, you'll find yourself parroting right back. "Well shit indeed, this is not fitting to be my fucking day." The latter portion being the upgrade to the former. A supersized "Well shit" if you will.
Luckilly, I'm unarmed so mine is more of the sigh version. I have a lot on my mind, some of it worth mentioning and some only worth a simple "huh?" The supersized verion of a sighed "huh?" is What the fuck, or as my neice says "Fucking hell!" Feel free to pass this knowledge along and apply as necessary. The Morgans are quite dilligent in making sure our children have the proper vocabulary for the Harvard entrance exams.
Mr. Morgan and I were treated by my parents to a Basque eatery this last weekend. I'm still not entirely in the know of what Basque eating means, but I'm guessing it's that you get a bunch of shit. And that's pretty much what I got for a really unfair price. But I was adventurous and tasted things I never should have, and never will again.
There were heads adorned all over the walls, big heads - nothing shy like say.... a deer caught on a bad day. No, there were moose, buffalo, absolutely no timid creatures to dangle over my tray as I ate odd food.
They served me Tongue Soup. Seriously. On purpose. I had not asked for a bowl of giant tongue chunks swimming it what I presumed to be it's own saliva. Who says "oh you just HAVE to try the tongue!" In being a good sport I tried the tongue and the second it hit my own Mr. Morgan couldn't resist chortling a remark about it tasting me back. I did not throw up. Yet.
My pop ordered chops of lamb. Again, on purpose. I really do try not to stare at people with those DM "for real? oh don't do that!" eye bones of mine when food is selected. It's not polite but very hard for me to curtail. It's not a scowl, just .... lol guess you'd have to know me in person because it's very obvious that I'm questioning judgement, rather like "well if that's what you have to do, ok." This is what came:

Once more, giving in to not being ..... me...... I tasted it too. That taste test did not go well and I did my very best to discreetly spit it out. Trying not to be rude or ingrateful, but I can't eat those things, much less pay to do so. The dogs however have no problem with it. Filthy little carnivorous savages.
Steal it Wear It, Wednesday Style.
A girl MUST have her hairs did.

Poor Sipod, always suffering the sins of his sister.

- DM
Sorry! I've been way dang busy here at work and haven't had a chance to catch up! Simon looks adorable in the clip. Kylie just looks displeased.
I love Basque food! (no tongue and no lamb for me though). You are a brave one!
You have no clue HOW brave. Ask BLD. I eat almost nothing that isn't bread and butter. I did it to please my pop (step-pop... but long enough in my life that he is my pop pop). He was so drinky and forky with the goods towards me... shit I ate it. I put that man through a lot of horror growing up, eating tongue and baby sheeps was the least I could do.
Way gross though.
mmmmm basque food (Homer style),
c'mon, be fair, you get a whole lot more food than the dangly chops and tongue. salad, beans, fries or spaghetti, paella and all that blessed GARLIC. I had no clue about tongue soup. You must have found a really, really authentic eatery.
That said I can attest to the bravery required by Ms M. She is seriously and endlessly fascinated by the food choices of others, and she will inspect if allowed. But if you offer a taste, her excited curiosity is immediately usurped by a wariness, and often she'll barely get a no thank you out before she's halfway across the room, like the food will jump after her and force its way down her throat. LMAO, totally true and no exaggeration.
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