Thanks Bosslady's Daughter for saying I can make an adventure out of a paperclip. It's very true if you happen to be aquainted with the right paperclip, I'm flattered while tilting my head that I'm that easilly entertained. It was not an insult, I get it, and thank you, lots of shit can be done with a paperclip. And mentioning running fingers through my hair, that just sounds naughty you bad bad love of mine! My hair frankly screams for Rogain and BLD's is the reason Pantene is selling so many bottles of help. She is a walking fucking commercial and I'd hate her if I had a better reason. So, for now I'll just covet like I always have.
Caught me a dog tonight. A whole dog! I regret deeply that I didnt get a photo of the animal, it was on the lam, angry and confused. I was simply locking up the house - obviously and not surprisingly in my Life Robe and a little silhouette ran by that I thought was probably a kitty. I have no idea why but I went outside and it was not a kitty at all. Twas in fact a lil chi chi (thank god with a collar for once) and it was madly screaming back at other neighbor dogs, presumably looking for directions.
I made a bold move, albiet a slow one with soothing talk to approach her, she was smaller than Simon - seriously - and I know Simon size targets, no good comes of them being loose and discombobulated. I wasn't trying to be bitten though, it's a sketchy thing to pull up on a lost dog. She let me scoop her up and immediately gave face licks. Yes, this was a dog who slipped off.... not a mistreated pet. I banged on the door, Mr. Morgan was annoyed because he was playing an online poker tourney but I couldn't come in with the "catch." Simon would have none of that shit on any day.
He came out screaming "WHAT!?"
I said get them outside, I've got something!
He saw what I was holding and went into instant Mr. Morgan mode. He was asking how I got it while dialing the number on the tag. The woman who answered was a bitch and seemed put out to collect the doglet, who was desparate for a place to piss. Her husband instead arrived very swiftly and I thought he was going to cry over her being safe. Guess whose baby THAT one is eh? He was so so SO thankful, and we kinda were too because she could have very well not met with good fate. I know it was a she because while waiting I tossed her around in my arms and she had no problem showing me her goodies. Another clear sign of a loved and good natured doggie. No collar? I'd have posted signs... but secretly... I'd have kept her. When the Russian got loose a Halloween ago, someone called me within 10 minutes and it was the most relief of my life. Good Karma.... I returned it, only by happenstance of the little girl running by at the time I was closing up the house. The gent explained they were moving and the dog got away, and they didn't even know. I waved him off with a friendly smile and told him I know exactly how slippery those little brats can be. They always think they are running to a better place, or just running to run and make their parents have a stroke.
Warm fuzzies. Below is Kylers and Marley on their play day today. Much as she loves Sipod, she adores being with a dog she won't hurt.
- DM
Caught me a dog tonight. A whole dog! I regret deeply that I didnt get a photo of the animal, it was on the lam, angry and confused. I was simply locking up the house - obviously and not surprisingly in my Life Robe and a little silhouette ran by that I thought was probably a kitty. I have no idea why but I went outside and it was not a kitty at all. Twas in fact a lil chi chi (thank god with a collar for once) and it was madly screaming back at other neighbor dogs, presumably looking for directions.
I made a bold move, albiet a slow one with soothing talk to approach her, she was smaller than Simon - seriously - and I know Simon size targets, no good comes of them being loose and discombobulated. I wasn't trying to be bitten though, it's a sketchy thing to pull up on a lost dog. She let me scoop her up and immediately gave face licks. Yes, this was a dog who slipped off.... not a mistreated pet. I banged on the door, Mr. Morgan was annoyed because he was playing an online poker tourney but I couldn't come in with the "catch." Simon would have none of that shit on any day.
He came out screaming "WHAT!?"
I said get them outside, I've got something!
He saw what I was holding and went into instant Mr. Morgan mode. He was asking how I got it while dialing the number on the tag. The woman who answered was a bitch and seemed put out to collect the doglet, who was desparate for a place to piss. Her husband instead arrived very swiftly and I thought he was going to cry over her being safe. Guess whose baby THAT one is eh? He was so so SO thankful, and we kinda were too because she could have very well not met with good fate. I know it was a she because while waiting I tossed her around in my arms and she had no problem showing me her goodies. Another clear sign of a loved and good natured doggie. No collar? I'd have posted signs... but secretly... I'd have kept her. When the Russian got loose a Halloween ago, someone called me within 10 minutes and it was the most relief of my life. Good Karma.... I returned it, only by happenstance of the little girl running by at the time I was closing up the house. The gent explained they were moving and the dog got away, and they didn't even know. I waved him off with a friendly smile and told him I know exactly how slippery those little brats can be. They always think they are running to a better place, or just running to run and make their parents have a stroke.
Warm fuzzies. Below is Kylers and Marley on their play day today. Much as she loves Sipod, she adores being with a dog she won't hurt.
- DM

Awwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!! Thank goodness you were there for her! Sounds like he was very grateful too! Lots of warm fuzzies! :):)
I wouldn't want anyone else in the world than you and Mr M finding any lost critter of mine.
Paperclip adventuring is a wonderful and unique quality, that in all my days, only you have consistently managed (and I go to Burning Man every year, for goodness sake). It was not only a compliment, but a high one.
Love and miss you. :-))
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