Ode to Billy Joe
Mostly because I don't want to talk about it anymore. Did I talk about it to any of you good folks, no, but I sacked off my walls for a week or so and returned to paper, a sheet of paper I have talked to for long enough that I resent it. Not because it's wrong or sucks, but because it "is" and it starts with me first thing in the fucking morning before coffee even knows it's going to be crisped to a boiling pot of goodness.
My Heroine Series if you will, but thus far only one of them has actually done anything to deserve said title. So far I've drawn Highwayman, Ethan Frome and this wekk I gave some consideration to Ode to Billy Joe because it's always been a question mark.
Review song below and think about what YOU think it's about. Put down your work pencils (I know readers are using work time to read, that's fine and encouraged), and make a guess at an oldie.
I have read up on the speculation, it's always been a curious song to me. Clearly there was a child involved, potentially stillborn. My favorite theory is that Billy Joe didn't actually hop off, but that her father found out about his daughter's indiscretions and after they had done away with the baby, the father actually threw him off the bridge. I.e. the reason he was so nonchalant about hearing the news of Billy Joe jumping "Never had a lick of sense, pass the biscuits please....."
For the sake of letting this one go to bed and not ever listening to this song again.....
No she doesn't have a mouth. Because she's not a snitch and we just will never know. Artsy, thinky like that. Can enlarge, all my pics look like half assed attempts, it's fully shaded and impressive, the details that exist lack much like a much needed new camera. Want it? Just ask, but I would ask why before I parted with it. The song really always stuck to me.
- DM
My Heroine Series if you will, but thus far only one of them has actually done anything to deserve said title. So far I've drawn Highwayman, Ethan Frome and this wekk I gave some consideration to Ode to Billy Joe because it's always been a question mark.
Review song below and think about what YOU think it's about. Put down your work pencils (I know readers are using work time to read, that's fine and encouraged), and make a guess at an oldie.
I have read up on the speculation, it's always been a curious song to me. Clearly there was a child involved, potentially stillborn. My favorite theory is that Billy Joe didn't actually hop off, but that her father found out about his daughter's indiscretions and after they had done away with the baby, the father actually threw him off the bridge. I.e. the reason he was so nonchalant about hearing the news of Billy Joe jumping "Never had a lick of sense, pass the biscuits please....."
For the sake of letting this one go to bed and not ever listening to this song again.....
No she doesn't have a mouth. Because she's not a snitch and we just will never know. Artsy, thinky like that. Can enlarge, all my pics look like half assed attempts, it's fully shaded and impressive, the details that exist lack much like a much needed new camera. Want it? Just ask, but I would ask why before I parted with it. The song really always stuck to me.

Does your lack of comments mean no takers yet? Wow, you know seems like everyone, myself included, is completely adrift these days. Are you feeling that?
anyway, if it does mean no takers I want the weight of being first and only requester in my favor when they figure out what game they're late for.
Why? Because I love that it was inspired by a song that I have always loved. I heard about a year or two ago that the song is about throwing a baby off the bridge, but I thought I'd heard it from you. Until I'd heard this from whatever source, I had always thought Billy Joe was gay and could no longer live with the secret, and that the singer was basically what would become known as a Beard. That's what I thought as a kid, lol, always and ever thinking of the underdog. I don't remember what I thought the bundle was.
I know I don't check here often enough! Dang, I hate that my boss now has a perfect view of my computer screen!
I always thought along the lines of BLD about this song. Probably due to the movie of the same name with Glynnis O'Connor and Robbie Benson. In the movie, the bundle thrown from the bridge was Bobbie Sue's childhood toy doll (named Benjamin).
It's yours my darling. My theory is that it was either stillborn or just not... the not being the reason he jumped.... OR my again fav being that her dad tossed him over.
I work early on Friday... box will be sitting. Loves.
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