Thursday, August 17, 2006


I submit for your enjoyment, a submission from my, hm I will have to think up a blog name for her, sister-in-law, sharing this story about my husband that I have never heard. I found it very ironic since presently he broke his toilet at home (we have a two bathroom home, so he gets his own to be funky in). Sister-in-law speaks of herself in thrid person, I don't know why, but I'll get her a proper moniker soon. Enjoy......


So once again the parents needed a night out and left the three kids alone (Mr. Morgan, Sister-in-law, and other sister). Sister-in-law was upstairs in her room when she heard "Help!" from Mr. Morgan.

Sister-in-law (being the one in charge) ran to find Mr. Morgan sitting on the toilet with the water gushing all around him. He actually looked like he was sitting on a geyser. I kid you not, he looked like a bobble doll because he was using his little boy bum to try to contain the water. Of course the sisters spent several minutes laughing at Mr. Morgan, but then were quick to action.

Sister-in-law (being the one in charge) ordered Mr. Morgan to remain on the exploding toilet, ordered the other sister to get towels and buckets and try to clean up the now flooding bathroom. Sister-in-law ran to the phone to try to call for help (note from DM - who were you going to call????) . The other sister put her trusty roller skates on (to protect her from the poopy toilet water of course) and began to throw every towel we had in the house on the newly forming water feature created by Mr. Morgan.

Mr. Morgan now drenched and tired of getting the water enema is screaming for help. Sister-in-law finds out how to turn off the water...and all is solved...or is it? The three kids begin to try to clean up Mr. Morgans pond. Now here is where it gets interesting. The three kids fill the buckets with water and throw it outside onto the walkway. It is freezing temperatures outside, so the walkway is now a solid block of ice.

The three kids also try to dry the WET, POO towels by hanging them all over the suede couch.Parents enter to find they have to skate over the ice to reach the door, flooded entryway, flooded hallway, flooded bathroom. Now remember that this is NOT spring water we are talking about.

They find Mr. Morgan, Sister-in-law, and other sister (who is in her roller skates) ankle high in poo poo water. Lesson Learned...keep plunger by the toilet, teach Mr. Morgan to double flush, do not have romantic dates with three kids alone at home.


I wonder if this is part of the reason the man won't fart in my presense, and blocks the door after a poop screaming "stinky!" Good shit. Pun, very intended.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was hilarious, and I am sooo glad I wasn't one of the parental units. (I totally understand the necessity for roller skates at a time like that.)

10:10 AM  

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