Tuesday, March 20, 2007

F-Bomb District

I just caught a Jeff-ling in my backyard. How many more times can I scream at the top of my lungs that THIS IS NOT FUCKING ACCEPTABLE!

I looked out my window after some strange noises and saw the fence all fucked up, because that's what Jeff's do - Jeff's ruin everything. I got a hammer and some nails because Simon and the Rabbit are the size of chickens and could easilly escape back and forth. I don't want the Rabbbit (Pachito)so went out there, and a fucking child was standing in my backyard looking shocked, caught, but not too sorry.

I am not remotely sorry for cussing. I am not remotely sorry I didn't take the hammer and scare the entire neighborhood with it because I am SICK of this shit. I screamed "what the FUCK are you doing in my yard!"

He was fetching a ball. No.

"You come to my front door, you never ever ever EVER enter my property, if my dogs bite then they are in trouble - do you fucking understand me?"



An adult came by then as the child slid back through the fence and offered to help me nail about 30 broken boards they'd busted. I said no but it would be nice to let me know when the fence gets that broken by their ill-behaved, unsupervised children.

I'm still in my work dress and my patience for these people fade by the day. There is a park two blocks down, Go there, use it. My only option is to report it to my landlord, since it's their fence being destroyed, but we try not to get into fights with neighbors.

I am honestly more heated than I've been in a very long time. When they walked into my home and let out my dogs on Halloween I was livid, but second offense disrespecting my space .... fucking lava is rolling out my eyes ears and nose. That is my dog's area, they are justified to bite anything unwelcomed. They wouldn't, but these dumb mother fucking people don't know that, and don't register the risk because both dogs trot by all cute on our walks. Well so do pit bulls with their owners but it's different on their territory.

Holy shit am I beyond pissed, and this is after beating the living hell out of each and every board with nails that lack but they were all I had. I bitched so much in doing so they all went inside for the time being. I don't know if they are back out, I'm blasting the most obnoxious song I can find on cycle in case they are. I'll chill out, but might take me while and there will be no more friendly waves in passing. Fuck you, fuck your bullshit kids, and fuck that stupid nervous Rabbit too!

Advice is appreciated.... when parents won't help, it's a good chance me asking them to help would not be welcomed, and I'm not moving. Maybe I should send my mother over to freak out, always kept us in line.


"If looks could kill they probably will in games without frontiers, and war without tears"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suppose you could let your neighbors know that you have procured a high powered BB gun and won't hesitate to defend your property (as is your 2nd amendment right)....and then be prepared to shoot the little assholes. They will know that you mean business and there won't be any lasting damage (as long as you don't shoot their eye out). I've been shot by a BB gun....I learned.

2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya, that sounds like a grand idea. Let me know if you need bail money.

Going into your house is one thing, but trying to get a ball?

Jesus, I think I went into my neighbors' yards 5 bazillion times when I was younger to get stray balls. I guess I should be thankful I'm still around to talk about it.

9:26 AM  
Blogger diana albright said...

OK... so I might not go so far as to get a gun - BB or otherwise - but whomever "reality check" is should probably think for a few more minutes. A fence is a fence. Why bother having one if not to keep out the Jeffs of the world? The parents should have taught their kids that if they need something from someone's yard - ESPECIALLY if there is a fence - you don't go slipping through the cracks or climbing over the top. YOU KNOCK ON THE FRONT DOOR AND ASK!! My parents taught ME that. I'm not the sort you'd expect to need bail money. Maybe if more parents would teach their kids some respect for other people's property and space, there would be less of the sort who would need bail money.

That being said, I've been shot with a BB gun myself, and while not my chosen method, it sure did work at teaching me a lesson.

10:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then you were not taught manners either. And it's called humor asshole, like I'd whack a kid or anyone else. Take a minute to read more of my website and you'd know I'm a pacifist with a big mouth. If I find you on my property I will bitch you out too, sorry that you don't have a problem with personal property. Go to disney.com, you will get what you get visiting the Zoo. /massive eye roll, topped with a yawn. - DM

10:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One more thing - you miss the most important point, DOGS. Who gets sued if that TRESSPASSER had been bit? It's a kid so everyone would be up in arms and my dogs, doing what they can do in THEIR home, would be taken and put down. Do you really live in the reality world? Fucks sake, what a small minded comment. - DM

10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reality Check needs to be whapped upside the head with a shoe.


11:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zoo Army.... BBQ at my house next weekend, if reality check wants a REALITY CHECK, he/she can come live the horror or half a dozen ill behaved fucking kids tearing up his shit that he pays over a grand a month in mortgage. Might shift a view. But naw.... it's just a little kid. Awwwwwww. - DM

2:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear me, look what a firestorm I have created.

So sorry for my words of wisdom. You clearly said "advice is appreciated" but maybe you weren't sincere about that.

LMAO at 2nd amendment rights around shooting kids with BB guns and being proud of swearing at a 6 year old. Bravo.

11:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAO at 2nd amendment rights around shooting kids with BB guns and being proud of swearing at a 6 year old. Bravo.

See! I think he gets it now! (dumbass)

12:14 PM  
Blogger Saffyrre said...

I can't help but ask...

How do we know Reality Check is a boy???

Also as mentioned before, I'm sure it wouldn't be as big of a deal if it weren't for DOGS and a BROKEN FENCE! How many fences did you bust open to get your balls Mr. and/or Mrs. Reality Check?

9:11 PM  
Blogger DMorgan's Zoo said...

Trolls don't have a gender Saff. They roll in unwelcomed to start shit. Go climb into someone else's internet fence, your comments are not appreciated and I did not ask them of YOU, I asked them of the people I invite to read my blog. Bummer, go away now, shoo shoo.....

9:34 AM  
Blogger DMorgan's Zoo said...

ps - who ever said how old the kid was? Presumption is very unattractive and easilly mocked.

9:37 AM  

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