Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Leedy is home

She can't walk and is very.... I'm told "drunk".

The anesthesia has given our child a dose of WOOOOOO. They even gave her an anti-psychotic. Because she's fierce. That dog would lick a mouse, give me a break! She is still whining put finally took her pain pill. Mr. Morgan lost his mind and had the phone in his hand, prepared to call doggy 911 when he saw what he thought was yellow barf. It turned out to be the cheese she wouldn't eat with her pill.

If you think I am insane, I have nothing on his level of freaking out over the Deedy-Beat. All we can to is hope she starts to feel better. She is not allowed to:

Otherwise be a fucking DOG

For 3 weeks. She has broken two vertebrae and we don't know how, but we suspect it's the doggy door being too small and on a downhill slope. Watching your pet suffer really, REALLY sucks. I almost don't want to go home and look at her. That's mean, I know.... I am a coward in that fashion. If I know and love you, I don't want to see you in pain. Listening to her cries last night was enough.

So what are we to do? Duct tape her to the fucking carpet? I called her normal vet for a second opinion, even though Mr. Morgan said uh.... you realize the money portion of all this? He cares, trust me, but almost 700 dollars since 1am is not pocket change.

That's all I know for now. I remain terribly worried and exhausted. Again, more more more thoughts for our Delilah.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doggie related prayers heading your way...

2:24 PM  

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