Thursday, May 15, 2008

Le Arteest.

I've been busy with thinky shit this week. After yes, five days of vacation first. I really had to look at junk for five days before things came to me and now my brain is flushed with ideas.

What have I done in five days? Well. I loaded three full bags of clothing to go to good will.... clawing at the drapes unsure if I could part with them. The process of bag loading was if I hadn't worn in 3 years... it goes. There was a constant reminder of naked people elsewhere in my mind so I let shit go. But my fingers did grapple and make clenching movements to see the bags be taken.

As Bosslady's Daughter would agree on, it is actually liberating to part with so much SHIT! I seem to love to roll in it, and I need to downsize drastically. I own things I can't even readilly identify. It's my nature however to never refuse a "something". Working on that.

What else have I done? Napped. Ate. Bitched.

I'm still working on my walls/ceiling. It's pretty much the ceiling lately, and that is terrible on the neck. I don't suppose I plan to stop until it's a Walk In Doodle, Wrapped Around Drawings.

I have nothing more for now, except fucking ROCK on Cali for the gay marriage overule. I do however not expect it to stick. I don't guess I will ever wrap my head around why anyone cares.
I won't even start on the wrongness I read in the news, (i.e. dude locked his daughter up and impregnated her 6 times?) but lets protest peaceful people. Beyond my grasp.

Kylee this morning did something that I still am laughing HARD about. I will blog that tomorrow. It's not to be missed. Google Kylees Playground if you don't have it bookmarked. I am so fucking proud of her. (small hint - toy, toilet, Mr. midstream).

More soon.

- DM


Blogger Saffyrre said...

I agree about the gay marriage thing! GOGOGO rest of America! It really "grinds my gears" that they don't have the same opportunities as we do to marry the person they love and want to spend the rest of their life with.

Grats on getting rid of stuff! I'm very proud of you because I know how hard that was for you. I have the same problem and have lots and LOTS of junk to get rid of before I can move back to the States!

4:32 PM  

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