Emancipation Day
My cay-terpillars went from a belly crawl to a nest phase, then came out as gorgeous butterflies. All the while I watched with a wrenched mouth from a distance. I bought them yes, I wanted to see it yes, and then as the thing went on I remembered my distinct adversion to insects.... no matter how appealing.
I have raised my little Morgan-sects for a few weeks and the weather was nice and seemed time to set them loose. The leaflet said I could keep them for over a month and watch them die one at a time in their captivity net. That didn't really appeal to me.
Kylee discovered them. This is her "What dis Mama? What dem?" face.
Emancipation time fellers!!!!
I had help.

I touched the first to flee. He never looked back.

The second took off in the same fashion but headed east. They'd been discussing this shit I guess.
The third had a wing that looked a bit, hm, like it was deciding. Kylee and Simon being outside took interest in this flopping bug who was not really going to fly. Simon did his part by eating grass, and Kylee swiftly ran to the Flop Zone while Mr. Morgan took off like a bullet after hearing me gasp loudly, in case she wanted to eat it. I tell you, it is heart warming that for all my antics and his bullshit he never falters to step in super hero style to save something, regardless of whatever project I'm on.
That or he knew that the puppy and I would not be on speaking terms if she ate one of my growings. I think he fears I'll starve her out of spite. Lol, honestly, he is just that fucking nice. Carries spiders out and what not. Fine, just get the leggy fucker out when I scream and they happily jump into his palm. Creepy shit. Spider Whisperer?
We took #3 back into the habitat, with hood open in case he was so inclined. #4 seemed dead, or actively trying to be. I put him back in as well, just in case.
I wish my two (or 3) free birds the best, you were a trip.
How are you all doing? Miss my comments, I know it's mad season right now. Someone from our Reno branch phoned after the earthquakes saying people were calling DURING the quakes asking for a quote on earthquake insurance. I thought that was funny.
I have raised my little Morgan-sects for a few weeks and the weather was nice and seemed time to set them loose. The leaflet said I could keep them for over a month and watch them die one at a time in their captivity net. That didn't really appeal to me.
Kylee discovered them. This is her "What dis Mama? What dem?" face.

The second took off in the same fashion but headed east. They'd been discussing this shit I guess.
The third had a wing that looked a bit, hm, like it was deciding. Kylee and Simon being outside took interest in this flopping bug who was not really going to fly. Simon did his part by eating grass, and Kylee swiftly ran to the Flop Zone while Mr. Morgan took off like a bullet after hearing me gasp loudly, in case she wanted to eat it. I tell you, it is heart warming that for all my antics and his bullshit he never falters to step in super hero style to save something, regardless of whatever project I'm on.
That or he knew that the puppy and I would not be on speaking terms if she ate one of my growings. I think he fears I'll starve her out of spite. Lol, honestly, he is just that fucking nice. Carries spiders out and what not. Fine, just get the leggy fucker out when I scream and they happily jump into his palm. Creepy shit. Spider Whisperer?
We took #3 back into the habitat, with hood open in case he was so inclined. #4 seemed dead, or actively trying to be. I put him back in as well, just in case.
I wish my two (or 3) free birds the best, you were a trip.
How are you all doing? Miss my comments, I know it's mad season right now. Someone from our Reno branch phoned after the earthquakes saying people were calling DURING the quakes asking for a quote on earthquake insurance. I thought that was funny.
How's the one with the bad wing? He going to make it? I'm like you about the bugs, sounds like a good idea but I'd still be squirmy around them. They sure are pretty tho! So cute to see how interested Kylee is in them and how Mr. Morgan ran in to protect the flutterby's from being Kylee's snack!
watch them die? lmao, oh the wonders of nature held captive in a basket. Thank goodness you had the sense to ignore those particular instructions. I don't care how small brained a creature is - it knows when its doing what it was born to do. Good job and well done to Mr. Morgan too, for running interferance.
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