Let's Say Hi!
My dedication for today is to Witch Finger. It strikes fear in children, and animals if they are bright enough to know it's evil. I've tried over time to show you all my hands and how they took a turn on the road of I hate DM enough to disfigure and make her get creative on excuses - of which there are plenty. See a kid fucking around where they know not to? Show them Witch Finger and explain that I was doing just that very thing when it happened. And a bit of a limp and the silliness tends to halt.

That is yes, full extension. Why my tendon there looks so exhausted, I don't know, it has nothing to do with this debauchery. I've had doctor's ask me to open my fingers. Dude that IS open. Like I'd be making a showcase by faking a finger bend and wasting our time. Let's just say my handshake is a cradled one, most don't notice.... or pretend. The only other choice I have is an upside down left handed shake... which is fine with me as I'm left handed and think most people ought to be. If I shook my hand I'd ask. Seriously. "What's going on there?" I've said before that fucked up people KNOW they are fucked up, pretending to not notice is just entertainment for us.
I can't wait to be invited to a cripple conference. Circus and free shit in our rooms galore! Who is going to deny a crazed invalid anything? We have the upper hand friends - no pun intended but ... heh oddly useful as I type off the cuff.
Ok... now I'm not going to bullshit and say I could do this..... but I was getting there when I got sick and my hands said that Mr. Morgan made a shit investment on my vio..
What I CAN still play is this.....
Obviously the violin part. It's not comfy, but can be done. Either way, awesome songs, both of em. And of course, I'm madly in love with old videos, how much more poignant can you get than dust in the wind?
- DM

I can't wait to be invited to a cripple conference. Circus and free shit in our rooms galore! Who is going to deny a crazed invalid anything? We have the upper hand friends - no pun intended but ... heh oddly useful as I type off the cuff.
Ok... now I'm not going to bullshit and say I could do this..... but I was getting there when I got sick and my hands said that Mr. Morgan made a shit investment on my vio..
What I CAN still play is this.....
Obviously the violin part. It's not comfy, but can be done. Either way, awesome songs, both of em. And of course, I'm madly in love with old videos, how much more poignant can you get than dust in the wind?
- DM
Wow, your claw is looking mighty impressive, Ms. M. I hope you're making it work to your advantage during Halloween this year. Speaking of witch, what? are you slacking? You usually have most of your plan in place by this time.
Great vids, thanks.
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