#22 - A Rat In The House Might Eat The Ice Cream
Interview was... just a shrug. I'm tired of wasting good hair on shit that is increasingly insane.
They gave me a sheet nothing short of a god damned SAT, while 3 other bitches were staring at the same form thinking the same thing. There was a section for proving you knew how to spell, which I do, but have to watch how I type it or write it, as my hands get ahead of my head, then a baffling math section that I felt like a fucking squatter with how long I sat in their waiting room trying to make sense of the questions.
It was 15 questions of the shit you got in school about Jimmy and Annie cruising down a river at 55 mph with a crosswind of 15 northwest, and a flock of birds for.... no reason other than to make the question all that much more unanswerable. I got kinda mad and wrote side notes, almost like a fucking lawyer to defend why this was a silly thing to ask. I also noted that asking me what 516 times 42 off the top of my head for a SECRETARY/PATIENT WALKER INNER position was not really fair when I could clearly hear the the employed staff pounding along on their calulators. I could have answered all that shit with one of those handy! I was not bitchy, just... cliff notes persay.
The doctor met with me briefly, I think it's a bust because I said fuck it to most of the math and left it with not quite.... but almost doodles. I'm not stupid, but I'm not a Mr. Morgan and math is not even on the radar of my level of interest. I could do some, but seriously... 512 times 43? And that was one of the easy questions. Wank off.
I do hope to be called all the same, just completely shocked at that particular form. New something for each new interview. Next one is on Tuesday. Me tired, but has GREAT hair so fighting it.
Another tick tick on Kylers. Managed to lance Mr. Morgan last night and he almost passed out with the amout of colorful .... hm, givings? the boil produced. We've got a good deal to go, but I heard my favorite words "You were right." after I lanced the proper point and it began to barf itself. Clearly today proved I'm no math master, but show me a wound and I can definitely advise proper. So I half suck and half rock. Fuck it.
This morning as I sat in my life robe I decided to set Gnat Traps. I've seen the little fuckers flitting about getting all curious, all too close to where I breathe, speak, and blink. In cleaning up the nightly liquid cups - we get very thirsty so there are about 5 cups every morning to collect because neither one of us is ok with one choice, we MUST have both of something lest our mouths awake unhappy. In these cups were gnats. I didn't count, but enough to be glad I didn't blindly swig a sip. So google and wikipedia told me to set out a plate with dishwasher soap and water and let them basically drown. Can do! I have around a dozen plates all over the house and I have been checking them for my "catches." So far, it just looks like a lot of dish cleaning to me. Know what else works on summer gnats? Hairspray. They don't even see it coming, it's awesome.
#22 - Gracie - This raffe is a pin. Since I used a smoke last time for size, why not light it? I have no clue where I got Gracie, and have never worn her as I don't know the proper place to don a giant giraffe pin without looking like someone else dressed me. She has lots and lots of shiney parts, and is a very inventive piece. Whoever it was that found this, well done.

- DM
They gave me a sheet nothing short of a god damned SAT, while 3 other bitches were staring at the same form thinking the same thing. There was a section for proving you knew how to spell, which I do, but have to watch how I type it or write it, as my hands get ahead of my head, then a baffling math section that I felt like a fucking squatter with how long I sat in their waiting room trying to make sense of the questions.
It was 15 questions of the shit you got in school about Jimmy and Annie cruising down a river at 55 mph with a crosswind of 15 northwest, and a flock of birds for.... no reason other than to make the question all that much more unanswerable. I got kinda mad and wrote side notes, almost like a fucking lawyer to defend why this was a silly thing to ask. I also noted that asking me what 516 times 42 off the top of my head for a SECRETARY/PATIENT WALKER INNER position was not really fair when I could clearly hear the the employed staff pounding along on their calulators. I could have answered all that shit with one of those handy! I was not bitchy, just... cliff notes persay.
The doctor met with me briefly, I think it's a bust because I said fuck it to most of the math and left it with not quite.... but almost doodles. I'm not stupid, but I'm not a Mr. Morgan and math is not even on the radar of my level of interest. I could do some, but seriously... 512 times 43? And that was one of the easy questions. Wank off.
I do hope to be called all the same, just completely shocked at that particular form. New something for each new interview. Next one is on Tuesday. Me tired, but has GREAT hair so fighting it.
Another tick tick on Kylers. Managed to lance Mr. Morgan last night and he almost passed out with the amout of colorful .... hm, givings? the boil produced. We've got a good deal to go, but I heard my favorite words "You were right." after I lanced the proper point and it began to barf itself. Clearly today proved I'm no math master, but show me a wound and I can definitely advise proper. So I half suck and half rock. Fuck it.
This morning as I sat in my life robe I decided to set Gnat Traps. I've seen the little fuckers flitting about getting all curious, all too close to where I breathe, speak, and blink. In cleaning up the nightly liquid cups - we get very thirsty so there are about 5 cups every morning to collect because neither one of us is ok with one choice, we MUST have both of something lest our mouths awake unhappy. In these cups were gnats. I didn't count, but enough to be glad I didn't blindly swig a sip. So google and wikipedia told me to set out a plate with dishwasher soap and water and let them basically drown. Can do! I have around a dozen plates all over the house and I have been checking them for my "catches." So far, it just looks like a lot of dish cleaning to me. Know what else works on summer gnats? Hairspray. They don't even see it coming, it's awesome.
#22 - Gracie - This raffe is a pin. Since I used a smoke last time for size, why not light it? I have no clue where I got Gracie, and have never worn her as I don't know the proper place to don a giant giraffe pin without looking like someone else dressed me. She has lots and lots of shiney parts, and is a very inventive piece. Whoever it was that found this, well done.

- DM
Search the house for something rotting! Rotting brings gnats. I had gnats once and finally found a forgotten bag or rotten potatoes stashed in the far depths of a cabinet. You have to find the source or those suckers will keep coming.
YES! Same exact thing happened to me! And it was potatoes! When I finally got rid of the source and killed the last few remaining they were gone!
I love that pin! I'm sure you have a jacket (my personal favorite place to pin pins) or a hat for her! I've been absent from here for a bit, and I have not forgotten our challenge. I recently got a new phone with awesome picture capabilities, so I'll be posting very soon!
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